Fri 19 Nov 2004

  • screenshots: I spent some time over the last month rewriting the screenshooting utility. The code had rotted considerably since last time I looked at it, and it needed refreshing. There was a cut-n-paste of gdk_pixbuf_save using libpng, as well as some pretty crufty dialog handling. It was clearly a GNOME 1 application that had had a straight port and little else.

    I started out by cleaning up the code and modularizing it, splitting it out into fourteen different files. This apparently violated the terms of my lease and markmc evicted me from the gnome-panel CVS module. Fortunately, the gnome-utils guys were kind enough to give the screenshooter a place to live, and I moved it over.

    A good deal of the impetus for doing the rework was to add gnome-vfs support to the dialog. I started work on a new library libgnomevfsui and needed an application to test it with. As a result, you can now save the image directly to remote location, and get a nice (semi-functional) progress bar while doing so. Here’s a screenshot of it that was saved directly to my public_html directory:

    I also added a couple other features such as drop shadows, dark borders, and improved D-n-D handling. The child process handling was cleaned up and it’s much less likely to leak files in /tmp. Oh, and it also looks better now.

  • porting: While cleaning up old code, I decided to devote a few evenings to fixing up AisleRiot a bit. Callum has done a great job of keeping that code sane, but it really needs a good house keeping. It turns out that the guile API I used initially was deprecated a couple years ago. I went through and updated the code to the preferred method. As a bonus, I added some simple exception handlers so that we no longer crash when there’s a scheme error. Hopefully we’ll be able to pass the backtrace to bug-buddy and get real bug reports for GNOME 2.9.

  • planets: Seems like I temporarily broke It’s not just Rich Burridge.