So, today is my last day working for Sun which feels very, very
strange. Its been a great few years and I’m genuinely going to
miss this place and the great people here. I still can’t believe
that my dream of working full time on free software has come
true. Sun made that possible – for that I’ll be ever grateful.
On the upside, though, it marks the start of a new and exciting
adventure – working for Red Hat. Its a little daunting, actually.
Having seen the awesome work the guys do, I’ve no idea if I’ll
be able to live up to their standards. I can’t wait to get
started though
I hope people don’t read into this something that isn’t there –
even though I’m leaving, I still think Sun is a great place to
work and that its a company with a seriously bright future.
My moving to Red Hat has nothing to do with which is a “better”
company, and everything to do with me wanting to take up the
opportunity of a new challenge.
I can’t get Robert Frost’s
The Road
Not Taken out of my head right now. It pretty well sums
up how I’m feeling … but that could just be the hangover