Had a great Sylvester evening listening to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. Spent most of the boring part – the 3rd movement – thinking about GVADEC and if prople would be interested in getting a talk by me about GStreamer internals. I still don’t like giving talks when they are scheduled.

Spent another part of my thinking about Ronald‘s “Do we want a perfect core or do we want applications?” It’s bad to just change the internals of a big library too much to make them perfect but it’s also bad to only make them do one thing and break for every other thing. I guess people that develop libraries are more of the “make it perfect” kind while application developers tend to “make it work”. I’m definitely more a library developer than anything else.

On the coding front I started to play with my Christmas gift. And since I’m the library guy, I ended up inventing libgstui instead of just porting TVtime to GStreamer. Let’s see how my “GNOME needs a TV application” quest ends…