straight from #swfdec IRC:
<Medra> Downloaded MySpace’s vplayer.swf some weeks ago
<Medra> And it has already changed :P
<Medra> Had to disable security
<Medra> And the video doesn’t actually play :P Sound plays and the video just shows the first frame
<Medra> But hey, it’s good for screenshots
<Medra> omg
<Medra> it plays when you press play again :P
<Medra> yey, microsoft’s video ad works
<Medra> Wow, Dailymotion works \o
<Medra> and Google Video downloads a .flv, doesn’t show it, but it requests it
<Medra> Oh, now it plays sound
Seems we’re close…
1 comment so far ↓
Congrats :)
Really good working atm (again for me, after changing conf).