Category: Uncategorized

  • Analysis of GNOME Foundation’s public economy: concerns and thoughts

    Analysis of GNOME Foundation’s public economy: concerns and thoughts

    Apart from Software Development, I also have an interest in governance and finances. Therefore, last July, I was quite happy to attend my first Annual General Meeting (AGM), taking place inĀ  GUADEC in Riga. I was a bit surprised by the format, as I was expecting something closer to an assembly than to a presentation…

  • On how to fork a GNOME Core app without meaning to do so

    On how to fork a GNOME Core app without meaning to do so

    And if you did not know already, that Core app is Evince, now renamed to Papers and submitted to Incubation this week. But if you’re still interested after the spoiler, let’s start from the beginning. From some hacky patches to 80+ Merge Requests How it all started So for anybody that does not know me,…

  • GNOME Software and postmarketOS: a bumpy road

    GNOME Software and postmarketOS: a bumpy road

    Nowadays, any user installing a GNOME-based (Phosh, I’m looking at you) UI in postmarketOS will probably not experience many issues with GNOME Software (GS). They will most likely play a bit around, enjoy the nice UX, search for some apps, install some of their favorites, and move on. They probably won’t give it much thought.…