A friend of mine, who is preparing an exam for working for the government in Galicia, has OpenOffice.org as the selected office suite. While this is great news, that public administrations go the free software route, it is a problem, since she’s asking me about good documentation, and, given my minimal knowledge of OpenOffice, I haven’t been able to answer her questions very well.
So, dear lazyweb, what documentation should I point her to? Helping her means helping getting free software better accepted in users-centered environments (that is, if she’s having problems finding good documentation, lots of people might be in the same situation, given that she’s not the only one preparing exams for the Galician government), so please, where is there good step-by-step documentation for OO.o?
Le recomendaría que echase un vistaza los cursos on-line gratuitos del CICA (al menos que se baje los manuales si es que no hace el curso):
El CICA es el Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía, y los contenidos de estos cursos ha sido realizado por la Sociedad Andaluza de Educación Matemática Thales, que sigue organizando cursos (aunque son de pago):
This might help a bit.
What about these free moodle courses ?
Perhaps in EditLin she could find something.
I haven’t looked up any OO.o tutorials, but I have found the built-in help to be decent. I had avoided it, assuming it’d be bad as any other software’s built-in help, but it looks like Novell’s and/or Sun’s contributions to OO.o include consistent reference docs.
Hola Rodrigo, supongo que habrás hojeado la web oficial, aunque ahí las cosas están algo ocultas si no sabes dónde están. Desde aquí (http://es.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList) accederás a los documentos traducidos. Me parecen de especial interés las carpetas que empiezan con la palabra “Como”, puesto que son guías “paso a paso” para realizar tareas concretas de uso cotidiano. También puede ser útil el curso de informática de Pedro Reina (http://www.pedroreina.org/curso/), aunque está un poco obsoleto. Por último recomiendo la sección española de OOoauthors.org (http://oooauthors.org/es/); este sitio está muy bien, pero hay documentos que solamente están traducidos en parte.
Un saludo,
Lucas Vieites
Check out Solveig Haugland’s blog (http://openoffice.blogs.com/) and her book OpenOffice.org 2 Guidebook (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0974312029/).
I really liked the OpenOffice 2 Guidebook: http://www.amazon.com/OpenOffice-org-2-Guidebook-Solveig-Haugland/dp/0974312029/ref=sr_1_1/104-8788419-8787134?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1193698469&sr=8-1
Solevig didn’t get enough preorders to get it printed, so she sells the book “used” for $36 (why Amazon charges $20 more is beyond me).
Four years old now, but this might still be useful: http://www.amazon.com/OOoSwitch-Things-Switching-OpenOffice-org-Microsoft/dp/1930919360/ref=sr_1_6/002-2866174-2012015?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1193770902&sr=1-6