Some months ago, thanks to Tim Ney, we (GNOME Hispano) came to an agreement with Killermundi, an online shop that sells t-shirts of Free Software projects, under which Killermundi is going to sell GNOME t-shirts and give part of the earnings to GNOME Hispano. Now, this agreement is official, so, if you want to wear nice t-shirts and, at the same time, help your favorite desktop, please go by and buy some t-shirts.
I think the shop doesn’t work for countries other than Spain though, but the plan is to use that money to help bringing more Spanish-speaking people (specially from the other side of the Atlantic) to conferences, organizing more conferences, making live CDs and more t-shirts for those conferences, etc.
Oh yeah! some time ago I asked about this stuff and now I’m ready to buy one 😀
I have buyed two T-shirts, one of gnome and one of debian, and i’m very happy with them. Good stuff.