Seriously. When I look back on the designs I produced inside GNOME, it makes me cringe sometimes. It wasn’t that I learned something after leaving GNOME (in fact, my design quality improved immediately), and it wasn’t that I wasn’t trying to do the best I could (lord knows I was)…. its that I worked inside design contexts that let design flourish, that encouraged me to design in  ways that were more productive, more sweeping, and more details at the same time.

I hope I can impart a piece of what makes a good design context; so you can offer this context to the designers you work with, to help them do work that is dramatically better than they could otherwise offer. You win, they win. And its a hell of a lot more fun.

That problem is that we really have no shortage in designers that lack at explaining why their design decisions are good. So for somebody not having a clue about design, the only things he can do is trust the designer or ignore him. Not good.  PS: Why did we remove icons from menus and buttons again?

I want to use this response as a touchstone. I have great respect for Benjamin and the viewpoint he represents here. It is a very widespread viewpoint, and very reasonable. Unfortunately, I believe it also epresents the sticking point in allowing major design to occur for GNOME.

Articulating why a design is good is substantially harder than coming up with a good design. With experience people develop skills that go beyond what they can reason out.

True skill is subconscious. Explanations of the results of true skill are invented on the spot for the purposes of communication, they cannot reflect the real ‘reasoning’ that occurred because its not open to conscious reflection.

Lets talk about learning to sail.

  1. Learning: (conscious) While you are learning, you are using your high level brain to “linguistically” work out what to do. You are thinking, “ok, first, I figure out where the wind is coming from, then I turn into it until my sail starts to luff, when that happens I will quickly let out on the sheet a little bit….“.
  2. Mastery: (subconscious) Then you get good at sailing. You don’t think about it.  You start solving problems you don’t even know you are solving, solving problems that you never even consciously knew where problems to solve. Associative learning is amazing! You start reading winds from a distance using patterns on the water, and react before the wind even hits, you sheet in tighter as you build up speed subconsciously taking advantage of apparent wind (a concept you may never have heard of). You could easily not know you are doing this.
  3. Teaching: (conscious) Here’s the crazy thing: most people forget all the conscious linguistic thinking they knew while they were learning. From a conscious level, they halfway forget how to sail. When they go to teach sailing, they have to re-learn HOW it is they sail. They have to observe themselves, and learn to sequence linguistic explanations for lower level understanding and reaction…. but the real thinking permanently stays below the level of the conscious. You can adapt it by more repetition with conscious intervention, but during actual use the only thing you can really do is observe it, and explain it.

Humans are heavily biased toward believing that our conscious linguistic reasoning is what drives everything, but most of our actual stimulus-response actions that comprise existence are at a lower level (including in so-called cognitive tasks like programming…. that’s why you have to learn to program by doing, because your conscious executor is simply way way way too stupid to handle this depth of problem by reasoning it out, you have to offload 95% of the processing off to your subconscious before you can actually program).

Design is no different. When you program, you make many many decisions that are never challenged by anyone. Other programmers don’t challenge them, because they would generally make the same decisions (or a similar equivalent one). Non-programmers don’t challenge them because they can’t get close enough to the symbolic language to even start making that kind of commentary. Have you ever programmed with a less-competent programmer over your shoulder (who didn’t know they were less competent)? I have. Their questions, and comments, and “guidance” is unbelievably disruptive: exactly because they constantly challenge stupid things that are just not worth challenging because it doesn’t matter, there are much more important issues, and they’re wrong 95% of the time anyway (and in the 5% of the cases they were right, it wasn’t worth the cognitive load of having to consciously reflect and on why you made a subconscious decision and INVENT a reason to explain a decision that wasn’t conscious to begin with).

That’s right: When you offer linguistic explanations for why you did something that you are highly skilled at you are INVENTING an explanation at the time you are explaining. You are not playing back an existing record of reasoning. Sometimes, you get it right. Often, you actually don’t invent the right explanation, but come up with one that’s plausible enough to convince the person you are talking to. But the key is, you can never offer the real explanation, because the real explanation is: my highly trained neural associations produced this automatically as the correct response. You simply can never think about most of your skilled decisions in that conscious symbolic linguistic way.

You only think about the tip of the iceberg symbolically. I am NOT saying we shouldn’t argue, and use high-level reasoning. We should! That is how we learn, that is how we learn the very edge, that is how we handle new problems, beyond what our subconscious has been trained at. We must! But as much as possible, its more productive to use that limited symbolic linguistic reasoning toward the problems that are truly on the edge of what you can handle, not forcing them to constantly regroup and explain decisions that they didn’t make in the first place.

Now here’s the problem: when you constantly drag designers through this mud, of symbolic rationalization (which, as I said, mostly amounts to BS anyway) you can actually limit them from doing their best work. They will stay in symbolic reasoning mode, you are forcing them to stay there because they will have to explain every single thought.

You can’t get very far explaining every decision or action. When I stopped doing design for GNOME, the quality of my designs increased dramatically. It was like night or day.This is crazy! I was trying my hardest on GNOME, I was probably working harder than I’ve ever worked on something since. But my hacker interactions were limiting me from using my skills, I was limited to what I could reason out. And the truth is, nobody can reason out much. The real power of our brains is what lies beneath.

I knew I could never work in that context again, because the worst thing you can do to a skilled person, is force them to work in a context where their own personal output is well bellow what their skill is capable of.

Designers operating on a symbolic reasoning level are useless designers.

They will produce very mediocre designs, even if they are very extraordinary designers. This is no different than any other profession. Its just, most professions aren’t asked to account for ad-hoc invented explanations by people lacking the same subconscious constructs as them.

Designers constantly question eachother to defend ideas. Its a good thing! And in my interactions with programmers who are good at design, I welcome really long arguments. I’m also open to a pretty large amount explanation for the purpose of teaching design: helping somebody else develop unconscious skill. But I cannot explain every design decision I do (and their are hundreds of tiny ones even in the simplest mockup!!! the space of design is massive… why did I use a sideways grid, why did I put the button in the corner, etc etc). I cannot even explain most of them. I hope that I could explain as many design decisions as possible, I’m trying to get better at this, just as most designers are. Learning to explain these things is exactly the same process as learning how to teach something.

I think it’s ok that I can’t, because I don’t think there’s a human alternative. We will always be able to operate beyond what we can rationally back-justify.

Designers, who to trust.

Now, Benjamin raises another good point: I am basically saying you need to have absolute trust in designers if you don’t know how to design. I am actually saying that. No joke. Its crazy. I don’t have an answer. Maybe you should ask yourself why you’re talking to a designer in the first place? Is it just as a source of ideas, or do you think a person of skill might have better judgement than you too, even if they can’t convince you? Could you convince non-programmers of the rightness of millions of tiny programming choices if they weren’t susceptible to being “snowed”??? (that is, and designers try this sometimes too, if you swamp people with enough scary words/terms they feel inadequate and shut up / sort of slightly trust you because you seem to know some things).

But the thing is, Otte is right: there are lots of bad designers. Part of this, is because the only designers willing to work long-term inside a context where they can’t do good, skilled, subconscious design are….. bad designers! There’s a terrible self-fulfilling cycle here. Good designers will just leave (or never come) and find a place where they can “be the best they can be”.

So I don’t have an answer. Its a very very very hard problem, and a very genuine one. The best answer I can offer is: “you’ll get to work with better designers if once you find one you suspect is good, you give him at least one chance to be the best they can be…. make it clear from the outset that you will give her/him charge over the UI…. and see what they can do….” I bet even if you don’t find the best designer, unless they are really twisted, they’ll do something pretty cool.

As to the icons being gone, yeesh, I have no idea. I just looked, you’re right. But I don’t have an opinion. But guess what? I don’t think its a decision that matters. Is that crazy? It seems huge, right? Its not. A big part of being a good designer is understanding what details matter, and what details don’t…. most decisions are quite honestly tossups (on the flip side, some stupid looking details matter like nails, they change the user’s cognitive stance profoundly, and thus change the model they adopt to interpret/use the program). To pretend otherwise is to perform a breadth-first-search where you spend all your time in rabbit holes and never get anywhere deep. Well, it might be right, it might be wrong…. I don’t think it matters. I don’t think it’ll change any fundamentals of interaction with GNOME. Some details matter, some don’t.

Peace out homies.

82 Responses to “I did the worst design of my life within GNOME.”

  1. AngryPenguin Says:

    “I know a thing. You don’t know it because you’re not cool enough. This thing means I’m always right. If you were cooler you’d know this, but you’ll just have to believe me when I say I’m always right and you’re not cool enough to know why.
    P.S. Do what I say”

    God or UI Design. BS either way. Show me facts.

  2. Stu Says:

    The icons being gone seems to be to make the buttons not get bigger and keep the text centererd, however I’m sure I saw a response saying that KDE still has icons and the icons manage to stay the same size and the text centered.

  3. @stu the icons being gone has everything to do with not overcrowding the UI and not overload icons with multiple meanings because otherwise you have to cram a perfectly good, unique and immediately understandable design in 24px by 24px. it’s crazy, especially when we have this thing called “language” that mostly worked for the past ten thousand years. if you want pictograms you can still take the delorean and jump back around the year 25.000 BC. you might find it hard to get hold of a computer, though.

    @seth: thank you, thank you, thank you. a thousand thanks. your two blog posts are not only needed in the Gnome community: they are needed in the whole industry.

  4. Rupert Swarbrick Says:

    Cool – an interesting post. There’s just one thing… I’m a Brit and maybe I’m not interpreting your “learning” section of the sailing analogy correctly. But, when the sail starts to luff, don’t you have to either bear away or bring the sheet in? 🙂

  5. djcb Says:

    Hi Seth,

    Care to share what you think were some of the suboptimal design choices for Gnome? I understand it may be painful, but I guess it would be educational.

    In addition, the mere fact that someone calls himself or herself a designer can’t be sufficient evidence for competence in that area. I think it’s important to have a certain track record — before that is established, it seems a bit unreasonable to expect people to accepts design proposals ‘because I say so’ .

    It seems fair that designers, like other contributors to OSS projects often do, start with small patches/suggestions and bug fixes/ideas, before working on more fundamental stuff.

  6. Hylke Says:

    we are thinking of brining *some* symbolic icons back in menu’s that don’t distract you too much but still confey meaning.

  7. Andreas Says:

    The part about learning and explaining is very enlightening. I’ve never seen this written down that explicitly, and I believe it’s absolutely true.
    (I’m a programmer 🙂
    An interesting take-away from that is: Somebody might be much better at doing something than yourself, but even if they have no way to explain to you how they became so good at it or how to do it like they do, it’s not (only!) a matter of “talent”. It’s also learned knowledge that simply cannot be explained.

  8. Flavio Says:

    Great post. I heartly agree. I happen to be an app and UI designer myself. I really know what you’re talking about, it fits perfectly with my own experience. I know it is hard to accept it for UX experts, especially the ones advocating user testing and other psedo-science.

  9. @AngryPenguin You may think it’s bullshit, but it’s not. It’s very hard to explain *why* something is.

    Consider fiction writing. My wife is trying to write it, and is reading tons of it, and is gaining new insights into its craft — learning that lots of it is complete crap, and that some of it is “can’t put it down/come to bed at 1am” brilliant. BUT, she can’t tell me WHY, *exactly*, the good stuff is good, and the bad stuff is bad, and she’s been trying to be a writer for years. There’s no formula to it, no engineering to it; it’s an art.

    The same is true for programming; just follow, and you will see plenty of atrocious code, but it got written BECAUSE the developers didn’t realize it was atrocious. Why? Because there are better ways to do it (obviously), but as an experienced developer it’s often difficult to explain WHY a given bit of code is bad to learning programmers. “It’s not how I would do it” isn’t a very good answer (as far as learners are concerned), but very often it’s the first and simplest thing an experienced dev can say (until they spend time thinking about the WHY’s, which as Seth mentioned is a great way to kill your productivity). Also consider that it’s not uncommon for the expert to show the superior/normal algorithm to a beginner, and the beginner (1) won’t understand it, and thus (2) will refuse to accept that it’s better w/o a lot of additional arguing.

    Finally, knowing “why” isn’t helpful unless you can actually understand the “why” in the first place. Consider a new piece of technology like the Bloom Box. Someone will ask “how does it work?” There are at least two answers, the high level “add oxygen, fuel, some magic, and you get electricity.” A chemist will want to know which EXACT chemical transformations will be occurring in order to produce the electricity, the resulting waste chemicals, etc., etc., which will be Greek to most people (as they won’t have the lexicon and background knowledge to understand it).

    Ditto high-level maths, physics, engineering, airplane piloting…

    For EVERY advanced topic, there will be a point where the shared context between two people is so minimal that the ONLY reasonable answer is “trust me, I know what I’m doing.” If YOU don’t like that answer, go learn more and increase the shared context/language/knowledge, so that you can better understand each other.

  10. Anonymous Says:

    A thought that occurred to me as a hacker, which might help you as a designer:

    When writing code which either lives in version control or gets changed via emailed patches (in other words, nearly 100% of the code I write now), I have to provide explanations/justifications for changes I make. However, these justifications have two helpful properties that make them reasonable: only other hackers need to understand them, and I only need to explain things that really needed explaining. I don’t need to make my justifications understandable to non-hackers, because non-hackers don’t provide review. And, I don’t need to explain the obvious programming techniques and choices, just the overall view of what I’ve done.

    I think the same thing applies to design. You should give justifications for design changes, but you can give your justifications in terms understandable to design experts, and hackers will either learn enough design to understand your justifications or they will have to trust your judgment (just as we have to trust someone’s judgment when writing code in an area we don’t personally understand). Similarly, you don’t need to justify minor design bits, just overall choices. Obvious design choices might not deserve any more explanation than “Why did you use a for loop?”, while “Why did you remove the icons?” deserves at least a modicum of explanation, and has a fairly simple one: because then we can use icons to emphasize key items like documents rather than decorating every item.

    But suggesting that you can’t explain your design choices at *all* without decreasing your effectiveness, even if your explanations only target other designers, sounds comparable to coders who use commit messages like “fixed stuff”.

  11. […] I did the worst design of my life within GNOME. « Seth Nickell […]

  12. Joe Buck Says:

    I suspect that the icons went away because so many accessibility experts have been laid off, so there was no one to tell the expert designers who can’t even articulate why they do things, that people who are dyslexic, or people whose native language isn’t well-supported by translation and only know a few words of English, or children, benefit from those icons they took away to satisfy their aesthetic judgment that the interface looked too cluttered.

  13. Hylke Says:

    @Joe Buck
    1. if there are any accessibility people who think that it is bad because of the field they are in, it would be a good argument to weigh to put that back in.
    2. A lot of icons are more cultural dependant than you think.

  14. mpt Says:

    I guess I’m more of a teacher-ish designer. (Maybe that means I’m not as good at pure design; I don’t know.) I love it when someone asks me why a particular button in my mockup has an ellipsis, or why I’ve used text fields of a couple of different lengths, or a why a particular window shouldn’t be resizable. Because each of those is an opportunity to teach them a little bit, and hopefully that means less work for me later.

    That doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be happy with the answer, though. As one of those involved in the icon reduction, I’m happy to explain (and have explained in various places) exactly why most were removed, exactly which ones should be retained, and exactly why those ones should be retained. But part (not all!) of the answer to why most icons were removed is that Gnome looks more elegant that way. Elegant according to who, though? And there we are, back at the basic problem of authority.

  15. Stéphane Démurget Says:

    Seth, thanks for all the work involved.

    Hylke> 2. Indeed, I never understood the shredder metaphor instead of a trash can for instance, as we do not need them much in France.

  16. Thommie Says:

    Now I break my standard, but I found this very interesting:

    “1. Learning: (conscious) While you are learning, you are using your high level brain to “linguistically” work out what to do. You are thinking, “ok, first, I figure out where the wind is coming from, then I turn into it until my sail starts to luff, when that happens I will quickly let out on the sheet a little bit….“.
    2. Mastery: (subconscious) [..]”

    That is in essence, why artificial intelligence does not work. It does not work because it is build’ only on this linguistic/semantic/formal approach. It can only be used in domains where every other aspect like ambiguity, efficiency and wizardry must be done by the programmer, not the seemingly created “intelligence”.

    Computing has not at all come to it’s roots. I still sits in the formal-linguistic maze. I still wonder how to translate nature, e.g. like these highly skilled architects: into computing interfaces and machinery.

  17. Thommie Says:

    Break my standard because I had not read the whole article.

  18. Ron George Says:

    I would advise you NOT to come and apply for a job in Redmond or Cupertino because we will tear you to shreds. Unless you are trying to argue for Visual Design, but that is an entirely different beast than Interaction or Experience Design, which is what I do.

    Do you honestly think that you are going to get a team of 10 250k/year Developers to implement some wacky thing you dreamed up because your “gut” told you so? BS. Justify it, Document it, test it, validate it…. or go home.

    If you want to be an artist, go sell paintings down on the corner. If you want to Design… Software awaits.

  19. Stu Says:

    I totally accept clean interfaces etc, from the other side though – having them on some menus and buttons provides a way to learn the icons from the text in the button. So when I see the same icon in the toolbar I’ll remember what it meant in the button/menu and use the shortcut this time.
    However clean design is definitely the nicest way, and I can always look at the tooltips of icons the first time I use a program.

  20. […] I did the worst design of my life within GNOME. « Seth Nickell […]

  21. MoRpHeUz Says:

    I think that you would like to watch this talk: . It’s a talk from my one of my company’s designer about the relationship between developers and designers. It’s really nice and aligns with what you have been saying. Nice post!


  22. SCdF Says:

    Who cares about Gnome, what about right now?

    Seriously… you have a picture of you (I assume that’s you) that flashes violently every few seconds beside the body of text I presume I’m supposed to be reading and concentrating on.

    What. The. Hell.

  23. seth Says:

    Hell is where I live baby! And its a pretty fun place.

  24. oliver Says:

    Hmm… For the last two days I’ve been working on the architecture of a new component. I’ve worked with similar components previously, and know by heart its requirements, its possible pitfalls in architecture and implementation, and the tricks and patterns used elsewhere. I could write down the whole component in my editor, one file after another (in fact, I already did that for a part of it).

    Yet I have to write down requirements, create design documents, create high-level and low-level diagrams of classes and information flow and whatnot, to allow review by other developers. It sucks to be writing specs and docs and justifications, when instead I could be actually writing code. Yet the review has already uncovered some fragile points that need more thinking. Guess I didn’t _quite_ know all details by heart, no?

    This opinion might be influenced by the way I spent last week; but I think it’s very reasonable that designers have to justify and explain their decision.

  25. oliver Says:

    [oh, btw. if people have cookies disabled when posting, they get an ugly “You don’t have permission to access /seth/wp-comments-post.php on this server.” Apache error page. Could you at least make the error page themed? Thanks a lot]

  26. SCdF Says:

    “Hell is where I live baby! And its a pretty fun place.”

    Uh huh, that’s super-cool and everything, but I still maintain it makes your blog far harder to read than it should be.

  27. Alex Says:

    I will second the “A thought that occurred to me as a hacker…” comment. Designers know design, sure, but you’re telling us that you can’t articulate your decisions at all? Justification and explanation of decisions is necessary. On a community project, you *must* be able to convey reasoning behind your decisions, otherwise people who can make better arguments will prevail. Saying “oh well trust me, I’m smarter than you” will only piss people off.

  28. MSI Netbooks Says:

    I really don’t follow that last part

  29. Dave Neary Says:

    This reminds me of watching Richard Feynmann answering a question about magnetism in “Fun to Imagine”:

    His conclusion? “That’s going to be one of the things you’re going to have to take as an element in the world… I can’t explain that attraction in terms of anything else that’s familiar to you”.


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