Did you know you can easily convert a Mallard document into an EPUB file? It’s built right into Yelp Tools, the collection of documentation tools built on top of the core of the Yelp help viewer. Install yelp-tools from your package manager and run the following command in a directory containing Mallard page files:
yelp-build epub .
If you have Yelp customization stylesheets you use for the web, you can use them for your EPUB output too. Or you can create customizations to better fit the form factor of an e-book reader. Of course, as with everything from Yelp, the formatting is non-ugly by default.
Don’t forget that a Mallard document is just a collection of pages that link among themselves dynamically. If you want to publish an EPUB of only certain pages (for example, to provide your accessibility topics for people to read from another device), just limit it to only the pages you want. There’s no need to hand-edit a driver file.