I’m happy to announce that I’ll be hosting the Open Help Conference & Sprints again this year. Last year was a great success, with attendees from projects like Mozilla, GNOME, FreeBSD, and Ubuntu, as well as people from the commercial tech comm world.
The conference features two days of presentations and open discussions, sort of a mix between a traditional conference and an unconference. We talk about everything that has anything to do with open source or community-based documentation, including tools, techniques, style, localization, and accessibility. If it helps us help more users, we’ll talk about it.
After the conference, we have three days of multiple team sprints, with impromptu cross-team discussion. As a GNOME person, it was extremely interesting for me to see the Mozilla team in action last year. We do a lot of things differently, and it’s great to colocate our sprints so we can learn from each other.
We’re looking for interesting presentation proposals. See the Sessions page if you’d like to present. We’ll also have a tools showcase: a set of lightning talks where we all show off the awesome tools we make and use.
I’m really looking forward to seeing everybody again, and to meeting more interesting people.

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