This started with Emmanuele’s email on GNOME’s desktop-devel mailing list. Quoting from his email:
In short: we're currently building the core GNOME and some applications every time something gets committed to; we're also doing various tests — like smoketesting the session and running applications — and building VM images out of the build process. What we need now, though, are "build sheriffs", i.e. people that watch the build process and ensure that it continues smoothly. Ideally, every maintainer would be on IRC, and would join the #testable channel; sadly, that's not the case. Many are not even on #gnome-hackers, which means they miss the notification that the something broke the build. We cannot always send emails to the last committer of a broken module because GNOME is a complex project, and a change in a dependency may indeed break your project, even if you didn't know about it.
I find it almost impossible to be available and tracking the irc channel(#testable) throughout the day and decided to come up with a solution using which I could at least check the health of all the GNOME games once a day.
Visuals always speak better so here goes:
Now its easy to find out what possibly broke a module using some simple queries on a graph instead of:
– going to the gnome-common webpage
– looking for the modules that you maintain one by one
– going to their source on GitHub(incase a module is broken)
– finding out the dependencies and commits
– coming back to the gnome-common webpage to see how the build was a day before and so on.
Though I’m using this for just the GNOME-games, it can be easily extended to all the GNOME applications.
Source code and more information on GitHub/sahilsareen/GNOMEGamesHealthAnalytics!