December Update 2010

Just before the end of the year I thought I’d give one last status update on what I and the team have been working on. As you may imagine, things have been slow due to the holiday season, but we’re still here and still keeping the gears moving.

The most recent success has been improving and fixing the monitoring solution, Nagios. Just last night I finally properly implemented SSL for Nagios administration logins and setup redirects from the old URLs. Currently Nagios is admin-only, but I am considering the idea of a public view so that the GNOME community can get a glance at what we monitor and can check the status of services and hosts.

Some of the other tasks we’re working on is preparing to migrate some hosts to RHEL6. We’ve got the RHEL6 images imported into our build system, but unfortunately we’re stuck on a networking issue in the automated installation. I think once the whole team is back from holiday we’ll get it figured out and have some built. The first boxes on the list for RHEL6 are the wiki, snowy and

We made a recent update to the mail server filter to remove the SORBS rbl. They’ve changed their policies and added some questionable address ranges which have caused us some problems. They’ve been replaced with a different rbl.

We’re also looking to consolidate the GNOME related domains into a single registrar. We’re shopping around for a dependable, free software friendly registrar. If you have any suggestions, please comment or contact the team. We’re very interested in input regarding where our domains can call home.

Beyond this I’ve mainly done general administration and maintenance. Mailing list queue moderation, account updates and creation, had to take care of a corrupt table in the piwik database.. you know, the general day to day stuff. As of today I’ve clocked about 33hrs for the month. I hope, during this last final stretch before the new year, to add ten more hours to that number and really tackle some more bugs.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments for the team please let us know. We’re happy to help, we just ask that you communicate and follow-up with us with any issues you have.


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