Just made the first development release in the 2.7.x development cycle of gtk-engines, which will eventually result in the 2.8 release. Lots of work has been going on to convert the engines to using cairo. See the links below for where you can grab your copy for testing purposes only! Please please report bugs and problems to bugzilla. Without your help, we will not be able to get this done and tested well enough in time for GNOME 2.14.
gtk-engines is in need of extra helpers as there is still lots of work to do in converting the engines to use cairo. If you would like to help in the development of gtk-engines, please contact me.
gtk-engines-2.7.0.tar.bz2 md5sum: 9f8d71891771e4583dd0985556784934
gtk-engines-2.7.0.tar.gz md5sum: 60f525210134f1c015b17ddec883a8a4
Overview of Changes in 2.7.0 (since 2.6.3)
- Clearlooks and Mist engine now uses cairo to do drawing
- Redmond and Crux engine convertions to cairo started
- Various cleanups and fixes
- Animation code for checkboxes and radiobuttons in clearlooks (off by default)
Just tested the new Clearlooks… while it looks great, it completly crashed my computer after about 2 minutes when opening the gtk filechooser. Hope this will get stable soon =)
Are there any screenshots of the new cairo-fied themes in action?
and the screenshots?
Really god! 😀 very nice…