
After some struggling with libtool, I managed to run Evince on Maemo. The tweaks to Evince necessary to remove libgnomeui and gnome-print dependencies were pretty straightforward. The only trouble really was caused by some library mixup which caused crashing when testing on PC. When compiled to ARM everything run smoothly.

And since screenshots are everything, here’s Evince with default settings running on Maemo:

Evince on Maemo

With very minor tweaking (read: turning off the sidebar, toolbar, and statusbar) the result is almost usable:

Evince with sidebar, toolbar, and statusbar turned off

The performance is rather bad, though. Scrolling with keyboard is pretty good until you need to switch to the next page. At that point you need to wait for quite a while for the rendering to finish. And panning is totally horrible (I’m allowed to say that, I wrote it in the first place.)

I’ll put up the quick hack patch for evince later, now I need to go back to prepare for GUADEC…

The patch against evince 0.3.1 as promised. Note that this is just a quick hack, to do only the minimal changes needed to run evince on maemo. Next steps in making evince look like a maemo application would be:

  • Replace the GtkWindow with HildonApp and HildonAppView
  • Hide the menubar (hildon_appview_get_menu())
  • Move the toolbar to the bottom (hildon_appview_set_toolbar())

(Strange that NewsBruiser happily accepts big image uploads, but rejects tiny patches…)