All hardware sucks

My hardware just seems to suck a little bit less now.

During GNOME Summit my wireless worked flawlessly the whole time, even though I’m using an ancient ipw2100 driver and an even older 2.4 kernel. Even USB in my laptop seems to be working for a change. I managed to download the pictures off my phone and disable the USB host mode from my 770 (I think it’s responsible for draining the battery much faster than expected.)

Before the summit I left my bike for repairs. Being nice to customers they called me – around 5am – first to get permission to replace the chains and rear wheels and later to notify me the bike was ready to pick up. So right after landing I picked it up and went for a short ride. Felt all wobbly and weird. I must’ve been jet-lagged as everything felt OK the next day. Must be in better condition than in ages, hope it stays that way at least another 7000km.

Had also little fun with my bike light. It wouldn’t turn on, no matter how hard I kept hitting it. Hitting used to work last year 😉 The light is way over-engineered I noticed. There are at least half a dozen surface mounted components among other things. Took a while to see one transistor had a broken base.

Ended up sticking a bundle of paper inside the casing to add pressure to the broken base to keep it connected with the solder. Low-tech solutions rule! Whatever happened to simple battery-wire-bulb devices?

On the bright side tinkering with the light took long enough that by the time I was done the raining had stopped 🙂

On the software side kris claims to have the treeview/model/sort/filter -combo working better than ever!