GConf and Application Installer don’t quite mix

Just noticed an interesting bit in philipl‘s Gweather-Maemo README:

- Gconf schema is not properly installed - I'm not sure how this
  is supposed to be done on the device. I don't see other apps
  doing it.

As far as I’ve understood it, there’s no way to run any postinstall scripts for AI installed packages, so no schema installation is possible. The other alternative, pre-generating the xml-files, fails because GConf isn’t configured to look in /var/lib/install 🙁

Oh well, we all know AI is making mockery of package management anyway. A trivial update to /etc/gconf/2/path might make pre-generated schema installation work, but in the longer term you just need to keep kicking Marius to get the next generation AI actually work. Come to think of it you should to kick him even for a short term solution 🙂

Fortunately GConf will still work without the schemas, you’ll just lose the defaults set in schemas. The code must have defaults of its own to survive broken GConf anyway, right?

BTW, that dialogs only shrink when the input methods is shown and not grow back when the IM goes away is (broken?) as designed.

Also, the LD_PRELOAD trick is only meant as a fallback. maemo-af-desktop (including plugins) is supposed to not be needing it… (on related note, LD_PRELOAD disables any benefits prelinking would otherwise have)