Back from the X eye candy conference

San Jose

Xprint sucks

Last week we were visiting sunny California. Too bad most of the time we spent indoors following XDevConf.

Compositing, OpenGL, and eye candy are still pretty hot topics. Unfortunately our hardware isn’t exactly equipped to support all the bells and whistles. While everyone, except maybe us, is excited about Xgl and friends, only the $100 laptop project seems more concerned about difficult problems such as memory consumption. It’ll be interesting to see which browser they end up picking. It would also be nice to see them use maemo as well rather than full blown Gnome desktop as we already have put quite a bit of effort into making it easier to work around the limited amount of memory.

And while it was possible to survive in California using public transportation only, it wasn’t entirely pleasant. Especially fun was to guess which train is which and when would either one leave and which stations would they stop at. Every single person coming to the platform was asking the same questions.