May 7th, 2006 — General
Last week we’ve been seeing some obscure glib(?) triggered bug. Compile against glib 2.10 and you get something that crashes. To make debugging more fun the crashes are happening only when running on the 770. Compile the same thing against glib 2.8 and it works. The only change in build environment is the glib version, the run environment is exactly the same in both cases, with glib 2.10.
There were some changes to the public headers that might explain the difference in compilation output, but alas reverting the changes that trickle down to compiled code made no difference. The hunt goes on.
Another curious bug is one in gtkcombobox.c which on cursory glance seemed fine, but during debugging proved to produce other than expected results. The line in question is essentially:
maxwidth = MAX (maxwidth, width + (add_padding == 1) ? PADDING : 0);
The idea obviously(?) is to calculate “width + optional padding” but in reality the result is something slightly different. It is left as an exercise to the reader to figure out what is really happening and why 🙂
But fixing that particular bug triggers new bugs elsewhere. GtkComboBox is fairly complicated widget, right up there in the good company of GtkTreeView and GtkMenu. And we’ve been making non-trivial changes to all of them. I can already anticipate how fun it’s going to be to track down the unforeseen consequences of the changes…
May 1st, 2006 — General
Innovation has become such a meaningless word these days. I keep getting the feeling that every time someone tries to sell their thing as “innovative” there’s not really much more than the buzzword of the year in implementation details.
Last Friday I innovated a bicycle optimized for one-armed people. To cut the short story short, in the morning I felt the left side of the handlebar give way, somehow I managed to break off half of it from my bike (I know I’ve been gaining some weight, but this is just ridiculous.) Before the end of the day I finished fine tuning my innovation.
Currently I’m also innovating a laptop for the blind. In hindsight I probably shouldn’t have used things I’d like to continue using for prototyping… :-/

April 23rd, 2006 — General
Is it just me or are GForge, Sourceforge and Savannah and the likes very much lacking on usability, or simply being useful, side?
At least I find myself constantly going to the “real” home page to find something rather than going to the Documentation and Screenshots sections in those sites. One reason, I think, is that even though the site lacks content it feels busy (but consistently) and the “real” home is often much more useful at glance. Another reason is that those dedicated sections are usually empty.
Which would suggest that they’re not so convenient to update, either. I don’t even want to think about the different trackers and horrible mailing list archives. And making releases in Sourceforge is interestingly complicated as I recall.
So I have to wonder, do people, either as users or maintainers, find these sites making their lives easier?
April 23rd, 2006 — General
This year in GUADEC you’ll be seeing quite a few Maemo presentations. I hope we get a good track for handhelds to last over the whole GUADEC. Would be nice to get more core developers pay attention to handheld aspects as well.
I’ll be giving (at least one) presentation this year so guess I should find a photo to GUADEC speakers list. I wonder if I could find a decent one, I think I’ve been too successful in avoiding cameras. And other times I don’t make any pretty pictures anyway.
I’m pondering whether to participate in the soccer match. I’d like to think I used to be pretty good, but that was so long ago. Now I’m so out of shape and practice I can’t even recall whether my both feet were left or right.
I’ve been to GUADEC only once before, but I can easily see how this year could be the best ever… until next year.
April 14th, 2006 — General
April 7th, 2006 — General
Based on screenshots Theme maker must be the coolest thing since cryogenics. Well, at least when it comes to developing gtkrc files…
April 4th, 2006 — General
April 3rd, 2006 — General
Building jet engines without middle management was an interesting read. Kind of reminded me of
The Guide, hope they don’t have dirty telephones…
In related news, reddit looks nice…
March 31st, 2006 — General
During our brainbashing session I decided to
propose a talk about issues we’ve been struggling with to GUADEC. Rushing the deadline as usual… This deadline was different somehow, though. This time I didn’t get the usual urge to clean up or something instead =)
One thing that bugs me on GUADEC site, though, is the way to enter links. I mean, computers were invented to take care of boring stuff, right? So why, oh why, do I have to be concerned whether or not to include http://
in URLs? Do it the wrong way and your link is broken. Pfft, lazy developers…
March 26th, 2006 — General
GNOME 2.14 barely out of the door and the crazy developers are planning to get serious about critical warnings again…
<kmaraas> vuntz, would be nice to get a 2.15.0 release of gnome-session so we
can enable the fatal critical warnings again
<kmaraas> vuntz, and get rawhide to do the same
I wonder if anyone made up any statistics about how many (previously ignored) criticals were found during the fatal criticals period and if there were any patterns in what had caused developers to overlook something resulting in critical warnings?