Really basic project tracking

Lazyweb: I currently do this with a notebook (yeah, an actual paper one; I’m not sure why I don’t just write things into a text file; I have in the past). But is there a program in existence which will let me do this?

$ whatever --list-my-current-projects

$ whatever --start-working-on fusa

(does some work)

$ whatever --log "working on consolekit integration"

(time passes)

(gets interrupted)

$ whatever --what-the-heck-was-i-doing
working on consolekit integration

(time passes)

$ whatever --log "fixing GetWomble()"

(time passes)

$ whatever --stop-working-on fusa

$ whatever --what-have-i-worked-on-today
2007-12-22: 18:00-18:30 - fusa (30 minutes)

I know it would be pretty trivial to write; I just wondered whether it existed already so that I didn’t have to. (If it exists many times over, do you have recommendations?)

(Beyond that, it would be good to have sub-projects/sub-goals which you could mark done and so on.)

(Commit message and twitter integration would be further fun extensions.)

(Many responses received, which are getting their own post.)

Published by

Thomas Thurman

Mostly themes, triaging, and patch review.

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