That rather odd meme about which commands you use most

$ history | awk '{a[$2]++ } END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}'|sort -rn|head
115 ls
113 cd
93 sudo
70 r2e
67 fg
60 less
46 vi
40 screen
37 cat
26 lynx

And on the laptop:
58 cd
52 fg
39 ls
28 vi
27 ag
20 ssh
19 less
18 killall
12 man
12 gifsicle

Is this supposed to tell you something about me? :)

(To stave off the questions before they come: “gifsicle” is a wonderful tool to create animated images; “r2e” is a program to deliver RSS as email, and scores highly because I ran it a lot when I was first getting it installed; it will drop over time since it’s now run from a cronjob; “ag” is a time and job tracking system of my own and nobody else has it. Yes, of course it’s pronounced “silver”.)

It amuses me that apparently a large number of GNOME hackers use vi. I’m also interested that I’m the first person to use “fg” a lot. Do you others use “%” to resume, or do you never background processes?