Somebody said on Planet GNOME that sites ought to publish their browser usage. I have taken this to heart, such as I can, and added a short codex to Joule, a site I set up five years ago to track friending and defriending on LiveJournal. (Well, Joule isn’t exactly the size of Wikipedia, but it’s the largest thing I have control of.) It shows the requests for the last day:
18369 RSS hits (51.41% LJ, 3.55% Google Reader), 4735 HTML hits (32.73% Firefox, 16.14% IE, 3.76% Safari); 29 Google hits
Friday was a bad day to push this live, really, because traffic always spikes on Monday.
Anyway, the important thing is that Firefox has been the dominant browser on Joule for a long time now. I don’t know why. And I’m also showing RSS versus HTML requests; it shows that HTML now only accounts for 20% of the traffic, although this may just be because the cache control is more honoured for HTML. Google Analytics also tells me that 15% or so of my users are in Russia, which given LJ’s demographics isn’t surprising. I suppose I should translate the site to Russian.
By the way, if any of you have access to a server running LJ’s codebase and wouldn’t mind testing something for me, I’d appreciate it a good deal.