Bothersome weather in Oslo today, warm hot air coupled with clouds and lots of humidity. Walk like 5 minutes outside and you feel like you have been working out for an hour. Clothes cling to your body and your skin feels like it is getting clogged up and can’t breathe.
On the free software side we did a successfull release of GStreamer 0.4.0. Think the new rpm apt repository and Red Carpet channel will make things much easier for people. Next step is to get a release of the player out. It still has some annoying bugs, but it is definetly useable as a test application. Bother that jorn as away on vacation for the next 14 days as a Rhythmbox release would also be nice. Of course delaying the release 14 days do give them time to get seeking working.
Not done much this week of substance either at work or else. Closest thing this week was getting the new summary out on monday, but that I had mostly done on saturday. I think hot and humid is not the kind of weather that energises me. More of a dry and hot kind of guy :)