While I was away at UDS in Mountainview the Elisa team did a new release of our Elisa mediacenter solution. At the same time the website got a facelift making it look a little closer to the new default theme for Elisa. As mentioned this release do not add a big amount of new features compared to the previous one as it has mostly been about remodeling the internals of Elisa to enable us to take it where we want to. We are now however again going to be moving forward with feature additions and usability improvements. On the top of my personal wishlist is trickmodes and stronger upnp support. Coming up with some clever UI ideas for how we handle music collections and huge video collections is another important todo.
We need more people!
Things are moving fast here at Fluendo and we are continously looking to add more developers to our staff. The Elisa team is looking for a new member and I am looking for someone interested in working on various solutions around our codecs, especially some installation and upgrade tools to integrate with our webshop solution. Something a little more advanced that loki_setup/loki_update, yet less ambitious than Red Carpet or RHN. Longer term this person would probably be involved in other projects here too, like the DVD/BlueRay player and general codec development. If you are interested in any of these two and Barcelona sounds like a tempting place to live please mail me (christian-at-fluendo-.-com) for more information.
cool. Speaking of new releases, any chance of getting Fedora Core 6 packages in the gstreamer download repors?
Yeah, I would also really appreciate FC6 packages from gstreamer.net!