Here is the last piece of code I’ve committed for a missing feature of Libgnomedb; I’ll now exclusively concentrate on bug fixes before the next stable release (3.0).
The missing feature was to be able to specify a text format when entering data. The new widget which implements it is the GnomeDbFormatEntry widget which inherits directly from GtkEntry (I got ideas from the GtkMaskedEntry widget). That new widget has been integrated into Libgnomedb for its onw data entry widgets:
- When entering a text, its maximum length can be specified
- When entering a number, the user cannot enter a number bigger than is type can hold, the number of decimals can be specified, the usage of the thousands separator can also be specified, and a currency symbol can be added
- The time, date and timestamp data entry now have predefined masks
- The CIDR data entry widget (as a plugin) is much better
With that feature added, I propose the following schedule for the next stable release of Libgda/Libgnomedb:
- Wednesday March 21st, 2007: API/ABI freeze
- Wednesday April 4th, 2007: 3.0.0 release