`fedora’ responses

Well nobody seems to comment on ‘good stories’ – maybe I should rant more often? Anyway, it seems I have a reputation in the GNOME world as being an arsehole, so why not. Threat’s about employers reading the blog? Yeah nice one.

I realise I was going to offend the author of packagekit – but seriously, this is not ready for release as the main package ui on any distro. If what it did it did well it might be ok, but it has some time to go. Maybe he needs some offending to get his arse into gear and make it happen and prove me wrong? It’s out there in the wild now as the primary update interface on a public release of a popular distribution – he’s gotta expect criticism, and he’s gotta expect at least some rants – it’s not like i’m mailing the guy or spamming his blog’s comments – it’s my blog. If the app is busy, it needs to make that obvious, not just sit around for 10’s of seconds appearing to do what you asked, and then come up with a blank list for no apparent reason. I have the fastest net connection I can buy but it was a bit busy at the time – still, why does packagekit not cache any meta data, at least for the current session? How come it takes 100mb to run yum – if that’s all it’s doing – I thought surely it was doing more than that? Installing 1 package at a time is not good enough – computers are designed to run batch processes automatically, why force me to handle it? Why is every operation serialised when many don’t need to be? The machine was fine when running yum by itself (even with the ‘busy’ network), so it isn’t the cpu/memory or network (it wasn’t swapping even running the update thing). You can complain that I need a faster box or net – but I don’t need either for running anything else I want to run.

I’ll just say one more thing – you can’t have it both ways – if it wasn’t ready for prime time you should have asked Fedora not to use it – or by getting it in the distribution you get the exposure and fame and flashing lights – but have to expect the exposure to generate a range of opinions, from positive to negative. It isn’t personal (how could it be, we don’t know each other) – although it is impossible not to take it that way I know.

Ubuntu is mostly fine – but after giving it a pretty good run I think it’s just not for me. It’s too focused on newbies or windowsies, not ‘veteran’ linux users – yes, that is their target of course, but attracting developers wouldn’t hurt them either. Venting my personal frustration in my own blog should be ‘allowed’, and I don’t think I need to ask anyone for permission. Debian is known for making strange decisions by an overly politicised process by strong-willed individuals – my opinions there are nothing new (and that is all I meant by ‘*BSD like’ btw).

And yes Synaptic is quite nice. The only thing I don’t really like about it is that it’s quite slow at searching, and listing packages. I can’t remember what I used on suse (10), but from (a somewhat unreliable) memory i thought it was faster/nicer to use.

Umm, if the network cable comes loose, I’d presume the network would come back online all by itself when it got plugged back in – just like it always has? I certainly shouldn’t be logged in and running a crapplet (NB: i didn’t invent the word) for it to reconnect for example, or run any command as root. Do you run a desktop on a web server just to configure it’s network? Can’t their cables also get knocked out?

I installed ‘everything’ (desktop, web server, developer) but of the 3 applications I use daily on any computer – one wasn’t installed. Of course i’m going to complain about some fluff that is installed that directly affects my user experience that was installed instead – hey at least the man pages and info files are there. And are you saying packagekit is not installed by default in most configurations? I’d never heard of it – how could I go looking through dozens of packages to remove it? I imagine any ‘desktop’ would include the other stuff too. I’ve been there and done that – trying to tune my system exactly how I wanted before I installed it. All I did was end up with a broken system and wasting even more time fixing it at both ends. I rarely even run the disk partitioner anymore either,since i’ve had more than one failed install by trying to get things how I wanted it.

As for mono – I don’t hate mono. Mono is ok, technically quite a feat too – I think the effort could have gone elsewhere personally (hint: that means it’s opinion), but although it might not be obvious, I do know where Miguel is coming from and I ‘get’ what he is trying to do, and it is a good thing that someone is doing it, and that they have plenty of financial backing to pursue it, and the grand vision and enthusiasm for it. Ok, initially I was lumbering with evolution, bonobo and e-tree and thought he was just starting another ill-fated quick-results project he’d leave for someone else to finish! But that was the very early days – I worked on a mono plugin for Evolution after all – but nobody seemed to want it so I gave up. However he had to expect political backlash from many people given he was effectively cloning MS technology … and much later on the novell-ms deal didn’t help – no matter what the (secret) realities are of it, it’s done, and it will always be hanging over the project for some people – WHICH IS A TERRIBLE SHAME because so much time and effort has gone into it and there are plenty of good ideas and technology there. Politics in and around technical projects totally sucks, but that’s the reality. Time will tell anyway – and tends to iron out issues like this by itself.

For me, currently there’s no apps I need that use it (f-spot is a really good app but i dont need it), and I want to avoid the temptation to write .net code at home (odd yes, but indeed true). And yes I do have personal misgivings about any MS technology in general, and specifically any on my Linux box, but that was just the icing on the cake. What I hate is .NET itself. I use it at work. On a Windows box. That’s a lot to hate. At least with mono there’s the potential that one day they’ll be able to address the main memory issue with any vm based system – of having multiple virtual machines running for separate applications. Would putting them all in 1 environment work? They do it for Java for enterprise/backend applications – how come it isn’t used for desktop applications as well? If the whole desktop and most of the applications ran from a single vm it would probably do rather well – probably better than ‘n’ C applications which have to initialise each application toolkit separately and which share only read-only c library data and code between them (and an order of magnitude better than ‘n’ C language engines loading (and compiling) ‘n’ language ‘scripts’ which load ‘m’ language ‘libraries’ and sharing only the memory-mapped C library parts between them). (where by ‘C’ I means pre-compiled memory-mappable code/data).

I do rather dislike python mind you. Somewhat how I dislike visual basic. I don’t really hold strong opinions about any other languages but those two. Well, javascript isn’t that high on my list either, tcl has some issues at that. On reflection maybe the reason is simple – the generally bad experience (IN MY EXPERIENCE – it’s called opinion, not everyone agrees with that opinion, but it’s mine, and I hold it) from vb/python apps. And well, BASIC sucks.

BTW with Fedora, my install was still left with init running at level 3 (vi fixed that). I’m not sure I ever told it I didn’t want X running (I installed a desktop system afterall). Maybe it had something to do with a text-mode install, but I can’t remember being given the option to turn off/on X (apart from setting it up).


I gave Fedora another go last night. No, not on the old laptop I used to develop Evolution on, but a desktop machine I rarely use (it has a dvd burner) – it has enough memory this time.

A few quirks. The installation was nice – a limited number of questions to begin with, then it went off and did the rest for me. This is how it should be – installing an operating system isn’t watching an interactive movie, why would I want to sit there watching a slide-show and answering more question as it goes along? I used the defaults but ‘installed everything’, without selecting individual packages. The default partitioning looked a bit weird – but whatever, if that’s what they reckon – at least it doesn’t have /spare (it’s an EDS thing). Although when it rebooted all I was presented with was a console control panel with no X. I configured that there, and quit – and it gave me a login prompt. Well no matter, log in as root, create a user account, then ‘init 5’ and we’re cooking with gas – oh it is nice to have the init system work ‘normally’ again.

Ahh a GNOME desktop. And no emacs. I thought I clicked on ‘software development’!? Just some weird ‘developer help’ application (and given it seems to use its own help format and doesn’t handle info or man pages – rather useless help at that) and glade got installed with that option. Well I guess gcc must be there anyway.

Tomboy notes. Hmm, what a weird choice to install and turn on by default – to be honest I’ve never used any sticky note application – it has few of the benefits of real sticky notes, none of the benefits of a physical notebook, and limitations a text file doesn’t have. Anyway, definitely not worth having a whole vm running just for that. The only reason it ever got there was political – notes apps have been around forever but nobody thought they were worth including by default until mono came along. The only other mono thing is f-spot, which always seemed like a potentially cool application (yes I even have the t-shirt!) – but then again i’ve never used it – in the early days I could never get it to run reliably and it was very slow and extremely memory intensive, and now i’d probably just use my ps3 to look at pictures (or more likely just let the bits rot in the rain of neutrinos from deep space).

Another ‘update manager’. Oh now, I can see problems coming already. It warns me I need to install a gazillion updates. I ignore it for now (although the gigantic attention demanding billboard over half my screen is a little hard to ignore). Lets see how to install packages. Hmm, Add and Remove Software. Well, I guess it’s familiar to those windows users out there. And then things start to look not so good. Very very slow. I click on ‘XFCE’ and it goes off searching … and searching … and waiting. I check top – hmm, a few processes sucking lots of cpu. Has it just crashed? Oh, no – here we go, it’s finished. No packages. Hmm, that doesn’t seem right. I try a few more and have no luck – all empty. So I go back to the update manager … start it up.

Oooh. Slow. Has it crashed again? It’s sucking cpu like there’s no tomorrow, and nothing appears to be happening – I give it the benefit of the doubt and go back to the TV. Hmm, after 15 minutes – no apparent progress. Ahh, by left-clicking rather then right-clicking on the updater icon I get a status window – such as it is. It just looks stuck – for some time, then it slowly lurches forward, and for the next 45 minutes or so inches it’s way to the end of the line. Oh well, maybe it was busy on the net (not sure why the cpu was so busy though), and who needs to run updates all the time anyway.

Back to ‘add and remove programs’ – by this time I’d searched and discovered this was a new thing called ‘PackageKit’. Ahaah. Anyway, wow. Slow. I mean, not just a bit slow – this is remarkably unusably slow in a really embarrassing way. When the list of packages finally arrive (I was still looking for xfce here), I get the option to click on it and wait for it to load the 1 line of package info as well. Or I can click on the tabs for the other bits of info, and wait even longer – although the more I click on the longer I wait since each is queued up and invoked sequentially. So there appears no ‘meta-package’ (in debian speak) to install xfce, well lets try and install the session and panel – maybe that’ll let me change desktops. Oh dear. Dear oh dear. Now it goes off installing one package at a time (with no real progress indication) and queues up every other job in the meantime. Then it reloads the whole list again in record breaking bullet-time, and lets me go through that unpleasant experience all over again. Hang on, doesn’t Fedora have yum? It isn’t perfect, and was never particularly fast, but it did a lot more a lot faster than this piece of junk.

yum rediscovered – quite a bit tastier than PK. I ran a gnome-terminal so I could run an xterm (oh the irony), and got to work.

yum remove mono

Gone! I get enough .NET at work. And other reasons I needn’t bore you with. Hmm, it seemed to spend an awful long time running gconf-tool during the de-install. I hope gconf isn’t becoming a dreaded global registry … something for another time perhaps.

yum remove PackageKit

Oh oh, it’s gone. I’m finally starting to enjoy Linux again. And the shitty update button is gone too – which seemed to go off and check for updates every minute or so for a good second or more of CPU TIME! I can’t see why updates need to be checked more than daily really – and certainly not such a heavy process.

I still wasn’t sure how to change my desktop – things in /etc/defaults seem to go changing all the time, and i’m sure there was a tool for it. Ahh switcher. yum install switcher. Hmm, not too much documentation. Actually, none. It doesn’t even tell you what options are available. switcher xfceyou need to yum groupinstall xfce. Ok easy enough. Took less than 5 minutes – I imagine it would have taken over an hour in PackageKit, with no guide as to which packages to install either. Done. Switched, done. Logout.

Ahaah! Now the desktop login option is back at least. Although it’s still set to GNOME. Ok, log in to XFCE now. What is that damn network monitor crapplet doing running on this fixed-network workstation? And how come there is no option to quit it like every other crapplet I don’t want?

yum remove whatever-it-was Gone. And at least it’s just gone by itself too – Ubuntu seems to want to de-install init every time you try to remove almost anything.

I did a ps | grep for python. Ahh more useless shit to fuck-off (it was getting late – I had had just about enough of it by now). Whatever they were – gone and gone. The printer thing will have to wait, since from memory it’s part of CUPS – but I’ll check when I have time again and care to.

Hang on, what else is wrong – why does the damn file manager have to open up the window when I put a cdrom in the drive? And steal your focus? How annoying is that – typing away USING the computer – you know – MULTITASKING and the computer absolutely damands your time to look at some CD you put in the drive. After a little hunting I found the options. Off, don’t play damn cd’s or movies automatically either. At least it’s a world of improvement over Winblows which wants you to confirm that you want to open it AS WELL (and get this – how to open it!), after searching for some auto-play application and copying the TAGA LIPA ARE! Virus to your internet explorer again.

Ok, it seems to be working ok now – although I wonder if I can get the ‘legacy’ nivdia drivers working for my ‘ancient’ card (OpenGL – Blender). Maybe I should look at putting this on my laptop too.

BUT Get rid of PackageKit – it’s an utter embarrassment – extremely limited features, terrible usability and SLOW and bloated (gee, red-carpet blew this shit away – 5 years ago, even with all of its earlier bugs and issues). An ‘update icon’ should be tiny and unobtrusive, use very little cpu and poll the server MUCH less often using a lighter protocol – and it’s just a desktop applet – worthless for a multi-user or headless machine anyway. Why install the network manager applet on a fixed workstation? How about a mobile profile? Why can’t it be removed in xfce? Fewer python crapplets overall would be a good idea. And mono ones – oh dear. Hint (for both python and mono): There’s a reason java applets never took off on the web.


Made good progress over the weekend on the mplayer vo module. Took a
bloody long time though – bugs in code, not undertanding api’s, not
understanding how mplayer wants it’s vo drivers to work. But I got
there in the end – well just, it had me solidly occupied the whole
weekend, much to the chargrin of my housemates who wanted to play
games. Even managed to watch a couple of movies to test it out –
although I still can’t work out how to stop the fucking screen
blanking every 10 minutes under ubuntu (or stop the log output to the
virtual console) (yeah i googled, but couldn’t find any way to do it
programmatically – i can unblank but not disable it).

It can upscale an SD source to 1080p without problems (and without
tearing, oh happy day) – it is only bi-linear scaling, but that’s good
enough for now. There’s still plenty of scope for improvement –
e.g. now I need to work on a job queue mechanism rather than
loading/executing the whole spu programme each frame.

Although I knew dma’s needed to be 16 byte aligned I kept forgetting
to start with – the cause of much frustration and cursing. I also had
problems with the spu seeming to crash after a short time. After
about 200 frames it would just die but the rest of mplayer kept
running and executing the spu programme returned no error. I couldn’t
work out what was going on. It seems that once you load a programme
into the spu context, it isn’t really kept around forever – so it
would semi-randomly dissapear at some future point in time. I think
this is something I’d previously ‘discovered’ but forgotten about
since I last did any spu coding.

It was also a little difficult finding decent documentation on how to
embed spu binaries into ppe code, it often assumed you knew how,
didn’t go into that detail, or used some magic makefiles not specified
directly. I found make.footer in the sdk examples at last, and after
some manual runs distilled that into my own makefiles.

Although I had bugs in the spu code I had written/compiled before I
tried running it, at least they were not terminal issues. The
algorithms were sound, I was just out in little ways or just forgot to
finish bits of them. The YUV converter seems to need to do an awful
lot of work, but I guess that’s why it’s so slow without an spu. The
actual calculation is easy and simple, but clamping 64 values to
[0,255] just takes a lot of instructions for example. So far i’m
sticking with a packed ARGB internal format in memory and 4xeach
colour component/planar when in registers – the loads vs the
loads/shuffle’s aren’t much different, but I’ll try an unpacked 32 bit
int/float planar/interleaved as well at some point. Took me some time
to get the nearest pixel horizontal scalar working – but that’s
because I tried to do too much in my head/by hit and miss without
writing it down and working out the bit numbers properly – i got the
main addressing working but stuffed up the sub-word addressing.
What’s nice is that all the calculations (and memory loads) are the
same for a linear scaler, it then just needs to add a pixel blending
step afterwards – so that fell out very easily once I got the
nearest-pixel scaler working.

The basic algorithm is a very simple one which used fixed-point
integer arithmetic so the inner loop is merely and add, with a shift
used to perform addressing.

void scalex_nearest(unsigned char *srcp, unsigned char *dstp, int inw, int outw)
  int scalexf = inw * (1<<CCALEBITS) / outw;
  int sxf = 0, dx = 0;

  while (dx < outw) {
    int sx = sxf >> SCALEBITS;

    dstp[dx] = srcp[sx];

    sxf += scalexf;
    dx += 1;

It may not be as accurate as it could be, but so far it’s accurate enough for what I need.
And it’s branchless which is important for vectorising.

Converting this to vector/simd code is straightforward if not entirely trivial. And the spu has
some nice instructions to help – as you’d expect from a simd processor.

Basically the code calculates 4 adjacent pixels at once – the above
calculation is basically repeated 4 times, with a single pixel offset
for each column.

The basic scale value is the same, but it is a vector now:

  vector int scalexf = spu_splats(inw * (1<<CCALEBITS) / outw);
       // spu_splats - copy scalar to all vector elements

But the accumulator needs to be initialised with 4 different values –
each as if it were 1 further in the loop. i.e.

  vector int sxf = (vector int) { 0, scalexf, scalexf*2, scalexf * 3 };

And each loop we need to increment by 4 (this is a silly little detail
I knew about but forgot to put in the code assuming it was there –
much frustration).

  scalexf = spu_sl(scalexf, 2);   // spu_sl - element wise shift-left

It is in the inner loop where things get a bit more complicated. We
can only load single quadwords at a time from a single offset, so the
algorithm needs a bit of tweaking. Instead of loading 4 separate
addresses which the original algorithm would require, we can take
advantage of the fact we are only scaling up (i.e. we will never need
to access more words than we’re filling) and use the shuffle
instruction to perform sub-word addressing. The basic addressing thus
remains the same, and we just use the first value for this. This
gives us a base address from which we load 2 quadwords – the
subaddressing will always fit within these 8 values (we need 8 values
since we may have overlapping accesses). We are also referencing 4
values at once, so we have to multiply the address by 4 – or shift by
2 less (12 vs 14)

Explanation of this by way of example:

  example: scale from 10 to 15 in size, use 14 bits of scale
  input  :  [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a] (in words)

  scalexf will be 10 * (16384) / 15 = 10922

      sxf = [      0, 10922, 21844, 32766 ]

  address = sxf[0] >> 12 = 0
    load0 = [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
    load1 = [ 4, 5, 6, 7 ]

      sxf = [  43688, 54610, 65532, 76454 ]

  address = sxf[0] >> 12 = 10 = 0 (quadword aligned)
    load0 = [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
    load1 = [ 4, 5, 6, 7 ]

sxf needs to be remapped to a shuffle instruction to load the right pixels. If each element of sxf is shifted right by 14 we have:

   offsets = sxf >> 14 = [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ]

This needs to be mapped into a shuffle instruction to access those words. The shuffle bytes instruction takes 2 registers and a control word. The registers are concatenated together to form a 32 byte array, and the control word looks up each byte at a time into this array. i.e. we need to get a shuffle pattern:

  pattern = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]

If result is the result vector represented as an array of 4-byte words, and source is the two source vectors represented as an 8 element array, then using this pattern is equivalent to:

   result[0] = source[0]
   result[1] = source[0]
   result[2] = source[1]
   result[3] = source[1]

The easiest way to do this is to duplicate each offset stored in the lsb of the words in the sxf register into every other byte in the same word. Shift everything by 2 (*4) (or do it initially), and then add a previously initialised variable which holds the byte offsets for each word. i.e.

   tmp =  offsets << 2   = int: [ 0, 0, 4, 4 ]
   pattern = shuffle (tmp, tmp, ((vector unsigned char ) { 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 7, 11, 11, 11, 11, 15, 15, 15, 15 }) = char: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
   pattern = pattern + spu_splats(0x00010203)  = char: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7];

Which is the desired shuffle pattern. Getting the result is then a simple shuffle:

  dstp[dx] = spu_shuffle(load0, load1, pattern);

That is the basic algorithm anyway – there are some added complications in that the offsets aren’t going to be just sxf shifted except for the first column, and they need to be relative to the quadword addressing. So the offset calculation is a little more like:

    addr = sxf [0] >> (14-4+2) // this is the byte offset address of the quad-word we're to load (pass this directly to lqx instruction, it will ignore the lower 4 bits for free)
  offset = addr & (-16)          // mask out the lower 4 bits
  offset = addr - offset[0]          // find out the offsets of each member of the vector relative to the first one's actual address (shuffle is used to copy offset[0] to all members)
  offset = offset >> 2         // only the upper 2 bits since we're addressing 4-member vectors

So for both loops of the example:

    addr = sxf >> 12    = [  0,  2,  5,  7 ]
  offset = addr & (-16)   = [  0,  0,  0,  0 ]
  offset = addr - offset[0]   = [  0,  2,  5,  7 ]
  offset = offset >> 2;   = [  0,  0,  1,  1 ]

     tmp = offset << 2  = [  0,  0,  4,  4 ]
 pattern = shuffle(tmp)       = [ 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 4,4,4,4, 4,4,4,4 ]
pattern += splats(0x01020304) = [ 0,1,2,3, 0,1,2,3, 4,5,6,7, 4,5,6,7 ]

    addr = sxf >> 12    = [ 10, 13, 15, 18 ]
  offset = addr & (-16)   = [  0,  0,  0, 16 ]
  offset = addr - offset[0]   = [ 10, 13, 15, 18 ]
  offset = offset >> 2;   = [  2,  3,  3,  4 ]

     tmp = offset << 2  = [  8, 12, 12, 16 ]
 pattern = shuffle(tmp)       = [  8 (*4), 12 (*4), 12 (*4), 16 (*4) ]
pattern += splats(0x01020304) = [ 8,9,a,b, c,d,e,f, c,d,e,f, 10,11,12,13 ]

And writing this down I now see there’s a couple of redundant shifts happening,
so either my memory of the code is wrong, or I can simplify the code here

And the result of 2 loops would be:

  output = [ 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5 ] (in words = 4xbytes each)

So put it all together and that’s about it (ok, strictly you need to worry about
masking out the last results beyond what you want, but i’ll assume the input
and output size are both multiples of 4). Now the nice thing about
using the fixed point calculation is that it already gives you the
fractional part of the address as a by-product, and in a form suitable
for our calculations. So adding linear interpolation is at least in
this sense, free. All we need to do is load up a vector which has
every *next* pixel in it, and then interpolate based on the fractional
part in vsxf. We can use the shuffle pattern previously obtained,
offset by 1, to get the second value – it will always address within
the 8 values already loaded so we needn’t even perform another memory

  patternnext = pattern + spu_splats(0x04040404)     // address the next word of every word
  valuenext = spu_shuffle(load0, load1, patternnext) // and we have it

  // perform blending - valueout = value0 + ( value1 - value0 ) * scale
  diff = valuenext - value                           // get signed difference
  scale = vsxf & 16383                      // mask out fractional part
  offset = (diff * scale) >> 14           // perform fixed-point fractional multiply
  valueout = value + offset                       // and that's it

(in reality since i’m storing packed format, I need to first unpack
the argb values into separate planes of each component, perform the
diff/scale/offset/valueout calculation once for each component, and
then re-pack the data).

Things to think about: If the code used shorts it could process 8
values at once instead of 4 – except the multiplies can only process 4
at once, so it would complicate these operations a little and require
additional packing instructions. It would probably be a win if the data was
stored as 16 bit fixed-point integer planes. Floats could be used – which
simplifies some of the work (but not much), but complicates the
addressing slightly, since it needs to be converted to integers for
that. Floats would only make sense if it were used as an intermediate
buffer format, and we were working on unpacked arrays of bitplanes.
Also note that the spu has no integer division, so the initial setup
of scalexf is messy – I did this using floats and then converted to
integers to do the work – either way it isn’t a big issue since it
only needs to be done once (using floats creates smaller code). Many
of the values could be pre-calculated with a single row of data,
although this then turns some instructions into loads, which may flood
the load/store pipeline. Maybe some combination could be used,
e.g. calculate the blending values/addressing manually and load the
shuffle values from a table.

Dunno what this fucked editor has done to the alignment – everything aligned when i typed it into emacs. And for some stupid reason, html input isn’t html – it honours carriage returns too. I give up.


Been busy. Had to go away for a week for work. Very strange experience, not sure I want to repeat that again any time soon. Oh well.

I had started looking into writing a vorbis decoder before that major interruption. Something a bit more challenging than normal. About all i’ve gathered so far is that they’ve made some strange decisions in the stream and the huffman coding tables. e.g. a canonical huffman code can be stored very efficiently and reconstructed trivially – but instead they came up with some first-fit mechanism which adds unnecessary complexity and overhead. Still, plenty to learn about and play with. I guess I may get back into it when my mind decides to look into it again.

Meanwhile i’ve been sidetracked at home trying to work out how to improve the way we’re storing trees in a database at work. Relational databases don’t really do trees all that well directly, but with a bit of work you get an ok solution. There is some direct support in Oracle and the SQL standard apparently, but we’re using PostgreSQL, so you have to do things a bit more manually. There are a few ways to do it, but only a couple which are suitable for us – inserts need to be interactively-fast, not just lookups.

Currently we use an auxiliary table which holds the parent-child relationships and so with a simple join you can easily get all children or all ancestors of a given node. The only problem is that it requires some house-keeping using triggers, and also adds some additional restrictions on insertion order and the like (which creates issues with editing functions). About all I could think of is to remove the auxiliary table and do the same job using stored procedures on the fly. Not as simple as you’d think …

Given a structure such as:

create table tree (
 id serial primary key,
 parentid int4 not null references tree(id) on delete cascade on update cascade,
 childcount int4 not null default 0,
 title text

create type parent_link as (depth int, id int);

(note that this still requires triggers to maintain the childcount – for a ui app the effort is worth it, and it allows us to make a major optimisation later on).

Here’s a function to find the ancestors. It uses parent_link so it can also return the depth – which is very handy in many algorithms.

CREATE or replace FUNCTION find_ancestors(intab text, inid integer) RETURNS setof parent_link AS $$
    tid integer;
    pid integer;
    res integer[];
    count integer := 1;
    i integer := 0;
    r parent_link;
    tid := inid;
    execute 'select parentid from ' || quote_ident(intab) || ' where id = ' || quote_literal(tid) into pid;
    res[0] := tid;
    while pid <> tid loop
         res[count] := pid;
         count := count + 1;
         tid := pid;
         execute 'select parentid from ' || quote_ident(intab) || ' where id = ' || quote_literal(tid) into pid;
    end loop;

    while count > 0 loop
       count := count - 1;
       r.depth = i;
       i := i + 1;
       r.id = res[count];
       return next r;
    end loop;

 LANGUAGE plpgsql;

It also returns the values in sorted order – not sure that is any use for SQL as it may not guarantee the order once you join without an explicit sort, but it doesn’t really cost any extra processing since we need to keep the whole stack around to calculate the depths. I also tried a recursive algorithm, but it made no real difference.

It is used just like a table:

 select * from find_ancestors('tree', 4);

Ok, now for a utility function – normally this isn’t needed unless you want it for sparse or one-off lookups. Nothing special here, apart from not being recursive.

CREATE or replace
  function tree_node_depth(inid integer, tab text)
  returns integer as $$
  wid int := -1;
  pid int := inid;
  depth int := -1;
  data record;
  while pid <> wid loop
    wid := pid;
    execute 'select parentid from ' || quote_ident(tab) || ' where id = ' || quote_literal(wid) into data;
    pid = data.parentid;
    depth := depth + 1;
  end loop;
  return depth;
 LANGUAGE plpgsql stable;

Now comes the tricky one. How to list all of the children of a tree without needing large amounts of memory or temporary tables. The obvious is just to use a recursive function – but for the life of me I couldn’t get a recursive function which could return a row iteratively (i.e. using return next). I could easily get it to generate a temporary table, but that isn’t what I wanted. My first idea was to use a queue of outstanding rows to examine for children. It worked just fine, but requires lots of memory – in worst case nearly as many elements in the queue as rows in the table (although in reality it is probably a small fraction of the memory used by the application/other end of the query, so it would probably be just fine for all practical purposes for our application).

So I came up with something that just seems a bit hacky. I maintain a stack of cursors, and use some assignment tricks to get around the issue that pl/pgSQL doesn’t seem to like you using cursors from an array (you can copy them, but you can’t use them directly?). I dunno if it’s ‘proper coding’, but it works …

CREATE or replace
  FUNCTION find_children(inid integer, tab text)
  RETURNS setof parent_link AS $$
    r parent_link;
    data record;
    children refcursor;
    stack refcursor[];
    depth int := 0;
    depthoffset int := 0;

    depthoffset := tree_node_depth(inid, tab);

    -- first node
    r.depth = depthoffset;
    r.id = inid;
    return next r;

    open children for execute 'select id,parentid,childcount from ' || quote_ident(tab) || ' tree where parentid <> id and parentid = ' || inid;
    stack[depth] := children;

    while depth >= 0 loop
      children = stack[depth];
      fetch children into data;

      if not found then
        close children;
        stack[depth] = null;
        depth := depth - 1;

        r.depth = depth + 1 + depthoffset;
        r.id = data.id;
        return next r;

        if data.childcount > 0 then
           depth := depth + 1;
           children = null;
           open children for execute 'select id,parentid,childcount from ' || quote_ident(tab) || ' tree where parentid <> id and parentid = ' || data.id;
           stack[depth] = children;
        end if;
      end if;

    end loop;
 LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Note that since we have childcount maintained elsewhere, we can optimise the leaf search – saving many sub-queries looking for linked children we would have to execute otherwise.

Now I can’t really tell if this is going to run very quickly, or if it saves much memory – I guess it should – a limited stack of cursors vs an extra or temporary table or just storing the id’s in an array. I don’t have enough data or the energy to set it up a test case, and every time I run a query in pgadmin I get wildly different timings. Gut feeling is that with decent indexes queries should be in a similar order of magnitude to the auxiliary table, but without most of the overhead of keeping it intact – speeding up and simplifying insertions and updates. It might also benefit from reducing cache load on redundant data and increasing locality of reference for pages i’m probably going to load anyway. And finally, although it means there is a black-box for the query planner, thus reducing potential optimisations – there may not many opportunities for it do much anyway.

Hmmm, you know, all these hassles to use a relational database and shoe-horn structured information into it. I’m just not sure it’s worth it. Yes it is very handy to have an sql window to run queries and test ideas – but most of the work could be done simpler and with less developer time using code and some sort of persistent object store. I guess it depends on whether we move to a multi-user model and take a short-cut by using a database to do it rather than implementing a proper n-tier architecture.