Handling GNOME Bugs

The new GNOME crash handler is great. Unfortunately I get quite a few duplicates every day of a particular bug that has recently been fixed. I'm sure I'm not the only developer with this problem of fighting with bugzilla.

Perhaps the wording of the crash dialog should say:

What were you doing when the application crashed?
You should aim to provide developers with enough information to replicate the crash, and not details about what you are drinking.
Please can you check the product bugzilla page to check for duplicates before sending crash details. [Check Now]

Or, even better:
A similar bug has already been reported and the developers have released a fix. Please make sure your system is up to date, and if so file this in your distribution bug tracker.

Or at least:
The application crashed and you have no debugging symbols; this bug report is both a waste of time for you and the application developer who will just ask for a better stacktrace with debugging symbols.

Or in an ideal world:
The application crashed and you have no debugging information available. The required files have now been automatically downloaded, and if the bug happens again your bug report will be sent to developers.

Epiphany and print to PDF

Epiphany is the best browser available for Linux in my opinion, as it's nicely integrated with GNOME, quick to start and is really easy to use.

One major feature is missing: Print to PDF… It gives me the option to print to PS, but I can hardly send a huge PS file to my parents. How come the GNOME web browser can't give me the printing options that all the other GNOME software gives me?

There are two bugs open, one with a trivial patch, so maybe we can fix this for GNOME 2.18?