GNOME Color Manager and initial scanner support

Late last night, after a few hours of intense refactoring (to allow udev based devices, as well as xrandr based devices) we got the initial scanner support working:

Scanner support
Scanner support

This lets us support printers and digital cameras pretty easily too. At the moment we just need to figure out how to make gnome-scan make a scan for us and save it in tiff format, and then we can get the calibration working for all types of scanners. Of course, you need a precision printed reference image, but you can get these pretty cheaply from Wolf Faust.

Then, we need to work with the gnome-scan guys to agree an interface so that gnome-scan knows what profile to use for each device. Either a library or DBus interface (with calls in either direction) are being considered, although I think the session-activated dbus interface is probably going to win. There’s still quite a bit of integration work to make CUPS ICC profile aware, but that’s on the list after scanners are working. After all, you need a calibrated scanner to calibrate the printer. Help is always welcome, so please checkout the code and help find bugs.