I think it’s been a little while since my last post, so I thought I’d toss something out there to our loyal readers (all three of you!). What have we been working on this week? Let’s see…
I pushed hard (maybe too hard) to get the new servers out of my house. The Foundation purchased two new servers and we’ve been trying to coordinate their installation for quite some time now. It finally looks like we have the correct address, contacts and coordination to get them put in. I should be able to, fingers crossed, get them out this weekend.
Let’s see, previous to that we had the big GNOME 3.0 release which overall went well. It put some pressure on some places, but that turned to be a good thing because we found where we could improve. Each time we’re pushed we learn one more thing about how we can streamline and improve our setup. It’s a good challenge, if anything.
I’m happy to say, after the initial tweaking, we stood up to slashdot which you might imagine is not a simple feat for many sites.
Ohh, a few more somewhat sysadmin related announcements have been in regards to the snowy project. If you’re not familiar with Snowy, think “Ubuntu One” but open source and specific to Tomboy. You can find out more here and here.
For now that’s all I’ve got. Signing off.
Thanks for the update! It’s simultaneously awesome and :-/ that gnome3.org got so loaded by launchday traffic. Popularity brings its problems. Yay learning & growing!