“What do you have open?”

Answering Christopher Blizzard’s question, at that moment, I had:

1. Pidgin, with ten tabs used for talking to friends over the last several days
2. Firefox, with six tabs: the Wikipedia page about a cartoon, Debian/HURD, BBC News, work’s bug tracker, and electoral-vote.com
3. The volume control window thing
4. Nautilus, on my home directory
5. A fullscreen gnome-terminal, containing screen, which had two screens idle at local bash prompts, plus one showing a man page, one showing a pydoc page, one an emacs process where I’m adding something to Metacity (it has ten buffers, not counting “*Compilation*” and things), one idle at a remote bash prompt doing nothing interesting, and one open to a development server which itself has eleven screens inside it. These eleven screens are mutt (which is where I saw I saw the post I’m answering), irssi (with ten channels open, all quiet to very quiet), a rather complicated screen [ which contains two backgrounded man pages, three backgrounded vims, and a foreground emacs process where I’m working on fixing up Carmen’s website ], my local copy of Blog Wrangler which contains three backgrounded vims and was expecting me to launch another Blog Wrangler process at some point, a shell prompt, a screen where I was playing with yagtd, four separate lynxes or w3ms reading websites such as the Daily Office, a screen containing a couple of vims working on a site for Fin, and a screen that had been for reading Mono but I idled out.

Published by

Thomas Thurman

Mostly themes, triaging, and patch review.

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