Another day with lots of stuff happening. Wim added some queing and a status toolbar and info to his Java applet. The office teststream already use the updated applet.

Jan had a really great
screenshot of running a lot of visualization plugins
after he cleaned up the GStreamer visualization plugins. Rather nifty command line pipeline to display those plugins in his terminal too.

Bilboed posted a nice updated shoot of the Pitivi NLE. Looking sweeter by the day.

Worked on various job related contracts today, looking forward to being able to announce those as I think the community will be very happy about them.

Also took the time to reply to the Foundation election candidate questions. Think I was the third one out to do so, so I guess it mean I am not a total slacker :)

Also did some QA work over the last few days, very happy to see that Benjamin’s and Ronald’s ALSA fixes cleared up my issues using ALSA. Hopefully they solve 100% CPU problems for other people as well.

We got a new toy into the office today, but I am letting Thomas announce it when he has some cool stuff to show around it :)

Also found a new GStreamer based application today, Eina