
10:55 am gimp, libre graphics meeting

I gave an interview last night to Jono and the boys on LUGRadio about the Libre Graphics Meeting.

I don’t think I was particularly good – I was a bit scattered, which probably reflects the conference, and I’m not sure I got the core points across – getting artists and developers together and learning from each other, getting developers working together from different projects, sharing a passion and love for free software with a bunch of people we don’t meet very often.

That’s what you get for doing interviews after 10pm, after a 10 hour working day and a board meeting.

Anyway, we’ll see how it sounds after it’s passed through the magic remixing fingers of Mr. Bacon et al.

One Response

  1. Andy Fitzsimon Says:

    Hey you did great Dave,

    Impressed you pronounced my last name correctly. Most aussies dont get that right!.

    I think people listening have got the idea now.
    Its going to be tremendously popular.
