Over $9000 now

5:50 am libre graphics meeting

Support the Libre Graphics Meeting and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !

The donations have really picked up again after the weekend, and with another $350 in uncleared e-Checks last night, we now have over $9000 collected (with $650 not yet up on the site). I wonder if we can get over $10,000 today…

5 Responses

  1. diegoe Says:

    Wow, I know who I’m asking to run a fundraiser if I ever need one :).

  2. fraggle Says:


  3. Benni Says:

    Time for gold status huh? 😉

  4. Dave Neary Says:

    Benni: Too late! http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2008/index.php?lang=en&action=sponsors (as of yesterday).

  5. Benni Says:

    ok, my browser cache must have played tricks on me, as it just updated some seconds ago ^^

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