Final total: $10980 + $388 = $11368
April 19, 2008 12:31 pm libre graphics meetingThank you to everyone who contributed to making the Libre Graphics Meeting fundraising campaign such a huge success.
Now that the campaign has ended, it’s still possible to donate to support the conference, and another sponsor would do us no harm at all – just drop me a line to find out how. But with the show of support over the past two weeks from 275 donors, the health of the conference for this year at least is guaranteed.
The site is still showing a campaign final total of $10980, but being special, I know that there are 5 outstanding donations totalling $388 which will arrive in our count over the coming week, giving the campaign a grand total of $11,368. We still need to see how much of that will go in bank fees and paypal charges, but we’ll have close to $11,000 left which will be dedicated completely to bringing people to the conference, in addition to the sponsorship we received from Google, Intel and the Free Software Foundation.
Incidentally, one of the things I’m most proud of in the campaign is that our user community will be contributing more direct funding to the conference than our two corporate sponsors, Intel and Google, combined!
Thank you all!
April 19th, 2008 at 4:12 pm
I think those two sponsors should step up and donate at least the amount that the community has 🙂
April 27th, 2008 at 10:47 am
Today I’ve found out about:
Probably they’re famous to a lot of people, but they were new to me.
Kuler has some patents pending, it’s strange because I’ve read that was made after colourlovers and it’s in practice the same identical idea.
However I was thinking that would be useful to have something similar but open source friendly. A website where everyone can upload/share and search palettes, patterns, brushes etc… that are available only under an open source or creative commons license.
Programs like Gimp, Inkscape, Blender, Krita etc.. could have a plugin that let users to upload them directly or make searches instead of using the website.