Mail to warm the cockles
March 31, 2006 8:17 am libre graphics meetingI got a mail today from a Libre Graphics Meeting attendee (hope he doesn’t mind me republishing part of it) and it’s put me in a good mood for the day, I think.
The Meeting was a resounding success especially for every second that
one projects developer spoke to another.Thanks to things that happened and inspired at the conference massive
progress is being made.For example,Inkscape is now depending on Little CMS for build as Jon
implements named colors. We’re also now saving out XCF files of Inkscape
SVG files that include gimp layers and using gimp palettes across both
applications thanks to a little symlinking on build. Its a digital
artists dream come true.LGM has also inspired new contributors to participate and previous ones
to direct their efforts to fulfil common needs. All because we got
multiple cooperative projects in the one room.
March 31st, 2006 at 8:43 pm
“We’re also now saving out XCF files of Inkscape SVG files that include gimp layers and using gimp palettes”
Awesome !