GTK 2.10 Installer

hacking No Comments

Jean-Baptiste Note has taken my latest cross-compile build of GTK 2.10 and created a Windows installer. If anyone is interested, check it out! Thanks very much to Jean-Baptiste for that.

He points out that it doesn’t work under WINE, but neither have any previous GTK builds for Win32 so I guess nobody will lose sleep over that. It apparently doesn’t detect the version of Windows correctly or something and assumes that it is in Windows 95 or something.


hacking No Comments

I’ve been looking into GConf a little bit, trying to figure out how best
to optimize for things like metacity when they’re starting up. I went
ahead and implemented the batched queries interface that’s described in
the IDL sources but was never implemented for some reason, but that’s
not really the entire solution. It seems like there is something not
happening as expected in the client-side caching when you preload some

Metacity preloads keys from /apps/metacity or whatever, so you
expect it will recursively preload all the keys. But when I trace the
CORBA method calls I see something like this:

  1. All subdirs of /apps/metacity
  2. All entries of /apps/metacity
  3. … a few unrelated things…
  4. Query value /apps/metacity/general/mouse_button_modifier

So, it looks like the client is not caching all the values recursively.
I’m not entirely sure yet, so I’m going to investigate some more in the
next couple days.

Gnome 2.16

General No Comments

It was very cool to see that Gnome 2.16 is released! Congratulations to everyone involved with it!

GTK Win32 Cross-compile doc update

hacking No Comments

To anyone who is using my GTK cross-compile docs, there is a small update. The gtk.immodules file was incorrect and has been fixed. Thanks to Jean-Baptiste Note for catching this and reporting it.