I have received two new cameras for aravis development.
The first one came from The Imaging Source, thanks to Arne Caspari. It’s a DMK23G618 monochrome camera. As a bonus, I have also received a couple of patches from Edgar Thier, allowing to correctly set the acquisition frame rate on this kind of device.

The second camera is a Blackfly BFLY-PGE-14S2C-CS colour camera, which comes from PointGrey, thanks to Damian Nesbitt. This camera is interresting as it requires the support for PENDING ACK packets, a feature not yet implemented in aravis.

Thanks a lot.
Today, I just tested Aravis with camera, The Imaging Source, DFK23G445, which is a GigE Color Camera. It worked successfully, and Aravis can set the acquisition frame and exposure. Thank you for your great job!~
However, there are still two problems:
1. We could set the acquisition frame to 25Hz, but it seems not work actually.
2. Recently, I have not deep understand the whole source of the c file. Is Aravis possible to capture color images? I would like to added some codes, and to support Aravis working with capture color image. Do you have any suggestions?
3. Considering the stereo vision system, can Aravis support with two GigE cameras at the same time?
What are the symptoms ?
Aravis library is able to capture whatever the camera sends, as aravis itself doesn’t process image data. It’s up to the user to handle image data, w.r.t. the pixel format. The sample viewer provided in Aravis is able to display color videos, as it uses gstreamer for video display.
It’s possible to instantiate several ArvCamera objects in a single process.
1. What are the symptoms ?
I set the frame to 25Hz, but it seems like works not very stable. The image stream under 25Hz is not fluent(the stream sometimes stop for a moment, and then continue) as under 15Hz.
2. I test the “Aravis Viewer” project with GUI.
The image showing is just monochrome image, but DFK23G445 is a color camera. In addition, with the original test platform in Windows, it works quite well. Should I set some parameter or just build a new project to have a another testing?
3. I will try it in this week!~
Thank you for your answer!~
It can be a performance issue, due to a high data rate. Does it work with the same configuration using the manufacturer library ?
Try to set a different PixelFormat using arv-tool utility. Something like: ‘arv-tool-0.4 control PixelFormat=YUV422’.
Hi Emmanuel,
About the color problem:
1. I tried “./arv-tool-0.2 features”
the system replied:” …. ‘PixelFormat’ .. ‘BayerGB8′,’Mono16′,’Mono8′ …”
2. I tried “BayerGB8″
the system replied:”(arv-viewer:3350: GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_element_link_many: assertion `GST_IS_ELEMENT (element_2)’ failed”
3. I tried “Mono16”
the system could not be set to “Mono16”.
4. I tried “Mono8”
the system worked under monochrome stream.
5. I tried “YUV422”, “YUV411”, and “YUV444”.
the system could only stay at “Mono8”
Hi Emmanuel,
My system is under Ubuntu 12.04 64bit.
Is this a reason for the error of the image storage format?
No. The issue is either in gstreamer bayer element, or ffmpegcolorspace transformation element. The video processing pipeline is not linked properly, because one of these elements is not able to process BayerGB8.
Does the camera documentation mention YUV422 as a supported format ?
Please continue this discussion on the ararvis mailing list, which is hosted here:
Hey Emmanuel,
Nice work all around! I will say I am currently working with 4 different GigE cameras (from 4 different manufacturers) and am excited to see your project here. Is there any way that I may be of help?
A good start would be to report any issue you may have using aravis. Bugzilla is the best place, but messages on aravis mailing list are also welcomed.