Epiphany 1.8.3 released

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What is it ?

Epiphany is the GNOME web browser, based on the mozilla rendering engine. It aims to be simple and easy to use.

Epiphany 1.8.3 is the third release in the stable series for GNOME 2.12. In this release, a number of bugs have been fixed. A notable improvement is that the Personal Data Manager now takes much less time to open.

Changes from Epiphany 1.8.2 to 1.8.3

  • Work around crash caused by [mozilla bug 312241].
  • Use gtk stock icons for fullscreen
  • Add more mime types to the list of known types
  • Use the history window as parent for the new-bookmark dialogue [#320329]
  • Scroll the view so the selected cert is visible [#320578]
  • Allow compilation against xulrunner
  • Don’t put the prefs/pdm dialogue over all windows
  • Vastly improve PDM dialogue opening time
  • Delay reloads when we get many change notifications in a short time [#319993]
  • Fix HTML forms and scrollbars in lockdown mode [#316498]

Contributors to this release:

Robert O’Callahan, Christian Persch

Updated translations:

  • Ivar Smolin (et)
  • Clytie Siddall (vi)
  • Liu Songhe (zh_CN)

Where can I get it ?

Epiphany source code:
with SHA1 sum 980a8b60c406099377e5f58b950362434f8395ab.

Epiphany 1.8.3 requires mozilla 1.7, 1.7.x, 1.7 branch, 1.8b2 or trunk, or firefox 1.0.x or trunk.
The recommended version is Mozilla 1.7.12

Epiphany-extensions 1.8.2 has also been released. [NEWS]

More about dependencies and installation tips.


The Epiphany team

Epiphany tidbits

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A quick entry this time. With GNOME 2.13.2, a new Epiphany release 1.9.2 (NEWS), went by without much fanfare. A fairly large number of people have contributed to this release, thanks to everyone involved! Epiphany-extensions 1.9.2 (NEWS) has seen the light of day as well.

Notable change in this release is the fact that Epiphany now compiles against XULRunner, which, opens a perspective on a standalone version of Epiphany that doesn’t require Mozilla or Firefox to be installed.

In the mean time on the Epiphany list, there’s a lively discussion on a redesign of the Add Bookmark/Bookmark Properties dialogues, and about using a database backend for history and bookmarks, which would be faster and easier extendable than it is now.