OSUOSL Give6 campaign

For the last 6 years our good friends at Oregon State University Open Source Lab have been doing an incredible job of providing mirroring services for many big Free Software and Open Source projects.

Right now the Open Source Lab is looking for funding, and they are just asking for $6, one per each year they have been online.

GNOME already signed up with $60. Every user of this fantastic mirror and hosting service is encouraged to donate. Give them 6!


Earthquake in Chile

This last February 27th Chile was hit by a 8.8 magnitude earthquake.
GNOME is not removed from this tragedy since it has always relied on the invaluable friendship and collaboration from developers and users in Chile.

This value became evident when just moments after the earthquake when people in the GNOME community first started to express concern and worry about our friends in Chile.

From GNOME we would like to send all our sympathy and support to our friends in Concepción, Curicó, Talca, Santiago, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso and everyone in Chile.

Fuerza Chile.

El último 27 de Febrero Chile fue golpeado por un terremoto de magnitud 8.8.

GNOME no es ajeno a esta tragedia ya que por años el proyecto ha contado con la invaluable amistad y colaboración de desarrolladores y usuarios chilenos.

Esta gran importancia fue evidente cuando apenas a momentos de sucedido el terremoto los mensajes y llamadas de preocupación por ustedes comenzaron a circular y no se han detenido aún.

Desde GNOME queremos enviarles todo nuestro cariño y apoyo a nuestros amigos en Concepción, Curicó, Talca, Santiago, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso y todo Chile.

Fuerza Chile.

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