Back Once Again, That’s a Matter of Fact

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After being away from the office, the laptop and anything related to work for the past 10+ days it’s been pretty hard to even think about it again. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone on holidays and not thought about what I had left behind…and it was amazingly refreshing.

The move to a new place went well, and I’m just begining to settle in and find a place for everything. The house sits on the edge of the river Avon, and had a short 20 min paddle down the stream with Patrick today. It’s going to be a nice couple of months while Flo is away. I even have a desk. Wahoo! But I had to swap a large house, leather seats, and a TV for the pleasure. Hopefully I’ll feel more focused and encouraged to so many of the things that the TV gets in the way of.

More on the holiday soon.


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Today, for the first time in 4 years, I stopped being a Sun employee. I felt alone. And the funny thing was that I was being a good corporate citizen by starting to write my first piece of Java code since joining Sun, almost 4 years ago.

Before you are fooled, the reality is that my user account got disabled as part of my transfer from Ireland to New Zealand – a little annoying because I guess I stand to lose a whole bunch of mail until it’s sorted out. The process usually takes a day or two, so with already planned holidays this Friday, the beer starts here.

Health Hazard

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Shake ‘n Vac is bad for your soul…and well, lungs. I hate moving.

Update: I just realized I’m going on holidays in 2 days. I hate packing too.

The Coin Jar

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Often a great way of saving money, but this one was simply that I couldn’t get my head around the NZ coins. I still can’t. While sorting out my room for an imminent move, I decided to count the jar. With $173, it nicely sets me up for the weekend’s activities.


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I know, I know it’s a brand…and as wonderful as the base operating system is, I feel we’re lacking a bit of creativity on this one.

Weekend Updates

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Had a reasonably busy time this weekend – there always seems to be so much on, and by the time you get to Sunday night, you wonder what happened to the weekend.

Everyone knows the weekend starts on Thursday, and this one was no exeception. There is a pile of restaurants on Oxford Terrace, known as ‘The Strip’ to most. Headed down to the Tap Room for 6pm, for an hours worth of free beer, and to meet one of Carolyn’s friends, Tama, visiting Christchurch touring with his arts group. We stock piled steadily for the first 60 minutes, and then spent the next hour finishing off the pile of some 15 beers. We were supposed to dinner afterwards, and did in fact manage to stumble into a cheap Japanese place, and staggered out of Maccers some hours later.

On Friday night, after another close touch rugby match, Carolyn and I went to the Mythai Monkey Bar. It’s listed in a bunch of guides as being a recommended place, with good food. But we found quite the opposite – lousy Thai food, and poor service. All very disappointing for our first ‘official’ date.

Saturday was another big day. Big because I became the first recorded Irishman to take a wicket for Weedons cricket club, playing for their social B team. I bowled one over, normally 6 balls, but managed to bowl about 12 I’d imagine with the various wides and noballs. Think I need some time in the net, and feel sorry for the poor bugger who hurled his bat and mistimed a shot to be caught in the cover. In the evening, while Carolyn headed off to Carey’s hen night, I found myself at my first Kiwi stag’s night, for Dean. Mostly similar to an Irish stag, fortunately, and ended up watching Canterbury beat Bay of Plenty, watching some rather crude and dirty girls in Atami, and stumbling around some random pubs, somewhere in Christchurch.

Sunday was hangover day, with a brunch with Kirsten/JP/Emily/Nic/Jeremy and Eggs Benedict being a reasonably good cure, and a few videos. I’m off beer for at least a day or two I think.

Ubuntu’s Soft Porn Look

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I’ve been following Ubuntu recently – for many reasons; the fact they’re shipping GNOME on the day of its release, they’re taking Debian and showing how well it works as a desktop based distribution, they share the same ‘Just Works’ principles, and the fact that I have some friends working for Canonical.

I’ve been pretty impressed with what they’ve done so far, and while I raised an eyebrow when Jeff showed me some preview artwork of their current branding reflecting the humanity aspect [Ubuntu], it’s just wonderful to see them pushing the boundaries. I love the images. I love the distribution, and hope that it will encourage all distributions to do something similar.

Java Web Start and Bugster

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So we moved our monolithic bug tracking tool into Java Web Start and called it ‘Bugster’. No longer can you open up a new bug – you now open up a ‘change request’. So, the new app feels better, and it’s certainly a lot faster than the old interface, but a couple of things still bug the crap out of me.

  • Why doesn’t the main JWS window dissappear when I launch Bugster or, better still, minimize to a notification icon?
  • Why is the commenting mechanism still so ultra confusing to track on change requests – both within the JWS app, on the online web interface and the notifications by email? Bugzilla is so easy in that respect, and that makes a huge difference when you’re parsing many bugs.

Still, progress, albeit slow. Roll on Bugtraq 3.0…cough.

City of God

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Finished watching City of God last night. Superb film. Hard to imagine growing up in that sort of environment, and feeling really fortunate about how easy my life is in comparison.

The iBook Story Continues

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So my iBook died again – apparently it crashed and couldn’t reboot itself again. Droped it into MagnumMac for them to tell me the disk is screwed and they recommended that I buy a replacement 60Gb drive, and while they could give me a quote for that, they couldn’t tell me how much effort was required to get the data off the old one. To top that off, I decided to buy Panther because all my system disk were back in Dublin, and getting them sent over would be quite a lot of pain – explaining to my parents what I wanted sent over, finding which box in the attic they might be, popping them in the post and waiting X amount of days for delivery. So my once triple booting iBook [OSX, OS9 and Debian Linux] and gone to single boot with Panther. I wonder how long I can survive without Debian on it – hell, it might make me discover neato free applications to install on it. Expensive times.

In other news, we have our second game of touch rugby on Friday. Last week we, the ‘Dodgy Marks’, narrowly lost 4-3 and I mashed my hand tripping over. My hand feels a lot better today, so hopefully it will be fine for Friday. On Saturday, it looks like I’ll play my first cricket game for Weedons, followed by Dean’s stag night. Patrick has a bbq party tonight, and with the best weather we’ve seen this season, it looks like a cracking event.

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