Half way in the summer of code
July 6, 2007
Monday, i will take off for more than two weeks. I will serve about 41 boys for scouting from 10th to 27th. The last few weeks has seen terribily slow progress for Gnome Scan. Even if the TODO list is far from empty, i didn’t have the motivation to get things done. This results on about 3 month of hard working on Gnome Scan. It’s time to get a pause. Scouting is perfect for that. Playing with boys in the nature will make me forget gnome-scan for some times !
During those weeks of fun, i wish that gnome-scan related project such as OCRopus and tesseract or even Gegl will get some improvements. I wish to get back my motivation in late July. August will be a rush for gnome-scan, just for the final evaluation and 0.5.2 release. 0.6 will land for Christmas, just like 0.4. That may be enough to get it included in Gnome 2.22 !?
While Gnome Scan 0.4 was quite a “proof of concept”, Gnome Scan 0.5 is a solid base for future development. I intend to begin writing tutorial and – why not ? – a lightning talk for GUADEC 2008. 2.24 or even 2.22 may be an important step for scanning in Gnome. I’m really waiting for a desktop with rocking printing, burning and scanning dialogs in a lot of applications.
Anyway, i’ll be off during the following three weeks after 3 months of heavy development. The future is full of promises. I hope to find things changed after the scout camp in order to find back the Gnome Love đŸ™‚
Photo of two friends at Chamechaude in the Alpes moutains in France during winter scout camp.
July 18, 2007 at 4:14 pm
woohoo! nine days before gnome-scan development resumes!