
Finally, i got GNOME Scan 0.6 ready and sync with GNOME 2.22. This release is a big milestone. Let me expose you all the changes since 0.4.

  • Completely redesigned and rewritten
  • Modularize all the acquisition pipeline from the scanner to the sink.
  • Dynamic pipeline plugins parameter list exposed to the UI
  • Based on GEGL for huge sized image handling and much much more
  • multi thread anywhere : probing, acquisition and more
  • acquisition from images
  • automatic per application scan settings saving in GConf
  • optionnal automatic color enhancement
  • available in 15 languages
  • Streamlined GUI for mass acquisition
  • extended SANE driver support and workarounds
  • Regression: no PDF nor JPEG saving

Please make a big welcome to this milestone, ask your distro to publish it along GNOME 2.22 and report ideas, bugs and more for the future.

As 0.6 says, the road is long before 1.0 which will be hopefully synced with GNOME version number. Amongs other things here are the plans for the future:

  • Consolidate code and API. This is important before producing bindings, tutorial, etc. for wider adoption from developers.
    • Split dialog code for better reusability
    • Review preview UI management
    • improve option handling, especially for high level option like PaperSize, etc.
    • Improve device handling: status/error reporting, opening in seperate thread, etc.
  • Merge scan dialog and acquisition dialog, allow to configure next scan without relaunching dialog
  • Use hal scanner API and hotplug smoothness as well as signal monitoring
  • Fully migrate to GeglOperation, this avoid us to split the progress bar in 3 stage.
  • Support sheet-fed scanners, webcam, etc.
  • PDF, jpeg, printing and more for flegita.

I started some weeks ago the work on hal-scanner. It’s going well, i’ll submit it to HAL and take it in account as soon as possible in gnome-scan. Packages will always be in my PPA.

Don’t hesitate to report well commented bug for GNOME Scan . You know i really want to finally fix this big whole in GNOME and desktops in general about scanning. Your use case, your ideas, your hardware specific behaviour/feature interest me a lot. Reporting all that in bugzilla allow me to have a high view of all the neds and design properly for most uses. Thanks



4 Responses to “GNOME Scan 0.6 ready for wider adoption”

  1. Alexandre Says:

    Congratulations, Étienne 🙂

  2. […] tiempo para la nueva versión de Gnome, Étienne Bersac ha publicado la versión 0.6 de gnome-scan. Las mejoras sobre la 0.5 que probé hace unos meses son importantes. Para empezar, […]

  3. Pia Says:

    Sorry, but this new version sucks!
    Can’t compare to the old one!
    Change for the sake of change only?
    oh no – yet another reason to be fed up with linux?
    I am really upset
    Don’t ask me to explain what is wrong with it; I am an ordinary computer user and no linux freak
    I just want things to work, no more no less.
    And from now on, no images …

  4. saracen Says:

    Etienne, thank you for the hard work you are putting into this. I too agree that it is a big hole in the Gnome desktop not to have a decent, easy-to-use, scanning application. I am sure that working with legacy code from SANE is driving you a bit inSANE as well 🙂

    Keep up the good work!

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