Updates on development
December 25, 2008
Finally, there won’t be 0.7.1 for Christmas. Sorry :). Actually, SVN is pretty close to 0.7.1, i just don’t have the time. And would like to improve debugging output before releasing.This will be hard to get 0.8 in time with 2.26, but i’m working on it :). GNOME Scan SVN is very active these weeks.
Current status is quite good. Dialog, option and job has been mostly rewritten. GSane backend has increased image format support, handle mass acquisition and i just commited paper-size support. Overall architecture is better. The software actually allow to do basic scan : put your paper on top right corner, select papersize and trigger scan. That’s pretty minimal : no preview, no custom area, etc.
I’m thinking of a way for application to add prerequisite : default value, constraint (range or enum) and maybe other things. I have some preliminary code. GNOME Scan 0.6 allow default value but wasn’t designed too. GnomeScanOptionManager will have a lot of job compared to it’s predecessor GnomeScanSettings.
Tomorrow, i’ll leave for Roma for a week :). So trunk should be quite silent. However, Philipp has some time to dive into 0.6 branch, fix some bug and maybe release a 0.6.2 :). Thanks Philipp for you help on 0.6 😀
Happy new year!
January 2, 2009 at 5:45 am
Thank you for your work!
Happy New Year!
January 13, 2009 at 2:06 pm
Hello Etienne,
Tout d’abord, merci pour ton travail sur gnome scan, que j’utilise régulièrement et qui est très pratique 🙂
Je viens de mettre à jour la page http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gnome-scan et en cliquant sur tous les liens, je me suis rendu compte que quand on était sur http://projects.gnome.org/gnome-scan/index et qu’on cliquait sur le lien *le blog de GNOME Scan*, on est redirigé vers http://blogs.gnome.org/gnome-scan/index/ qui est la page réservée au rédacteur.
La page qui permet au lecteur de visualiser directement tes billets est la même, sans le /index/ à la fin : http://blogs.gnome.org/gnome-scan/
Voilà, c’est du chipotage, mais ça peut t’intéresser 😉
Bonne continuation, et vivement la 0.8 !