Updates on development
January 31, 2009
After 0.7.1, i paused my GNOME Scan development for few weeks. Luckily, i got some feedback about 0.7.1 and 0.6.X releases. Thanks to Philipp, the bugzilla is active. Today i woken up the development by adding a shiny new feature of GNOME Scan that make it actually a library, not a standalone program. This feature is inspired by the TWAIN standard i took some time to read. I call this feature « option preselection ».
Option Preselection
This feature allows end application to preselect various properties of option on all the nodes. Currently, only default value is implemented, but the final goal is to constraint logically hardware option. E.g. : only allow to select in RGB, ont Grey ; or add standard Picture format to format selector in your f-spot scanner plugin. Currently only default value is handled. I added back the “Use screen resolution as default resolution” feature in flegita.
In 0.6, application could override a value in GnomeScanSettings thus preselecting default value. This was an unpredicted feature :). But it shows its limits when it comes to constraint values.
Maintaining 0.6 branch
With Philipp, we are doing a good job on maintaining 0.6 series. This series is not that bad. Today i fixed the Gimp plugin to properly handle gray scan. We plan to release 0.6.2 a soon as possible. I would like to fix support of SANE backend using pixel unit for scan area.
There is also some bugs that cause GNOME Scan to crash randomously at startup. I suspect thread managment to cause this behaviour. Very bad bug :). That would be good to have it fixed for GNOME 2.26 in a 0.6.3 release. No plan through.
Developping 0.7 branch
For now, i want to implement a good preview handling in GNOME Scan, taking advantage of the new option infrastructure (both model and UI). After that big point, i’ll add processing back (rotation, correction, etc.) and option persistance in GConf.
February 1, 2009 at 9:32 am
Is there active PPA for both of branches?
February 1, 2009 at 2:26 pm
It keeps getting better. Thanks for your hard work.
A Gnome user
February 10, 2009 at 9:37 am
Hello my name is Jerome I am French.
Firstly, thank you for your work on gnome-scan, thank you very much!
If you need some money for the work you do, do I sign …
I ask your help for another project I want to heart.
I ask especially how the project was born!
Here’s the project page, English and French.
The project involves the implementation of a Gnome in Print Wizard.
Here’s the project page:
In English
In English
Thank you for the information
February 19, 2009 at 9:00 am
I am not sure why my Google Reader account was still pointing to the old blogspot feed for gnome scan… Anyway, I updated it to this feed, and I am glad progress has not halted! This is an important project, and it’s always nice to hear about it.
February 19, 2009 at 9:19 am
/me is GNOME user…
March 1, 2009 at 9:23 pm
bravo! bonne continuation! longue vie a gnome scan!