Last Week.

May 10, 2004

Today is finals week. I had a final today and I have one tomorrow. I also have some catch up programming and writing to do before friday, but I don’t think any of it will be too bad. Then, that’s it for me. Graduation is on Sunday.

Been saying bye to various people today, but there is one person I didn’t get to say bye to, who I was really hoping to talk to one last time. I don’t think I will be able to before I graduate, either. Oh well, it’s pretty clear it was never meant to be anyway.

Hmm..what else…I’m meeting with my group from one of my classes after final’s week to celebrate getting through the class. We’re going to go to Peppinos in Kailua, I think, and then maybe out for drinks afterward. They’re really great guys, so it should be fun.

Then, after all the post-grad partying is complete, I’m off to fly to Boston on June 1st. As soon as I get there, I have to find an apartment (so the hotel bills don’t kill me) before I start work on the 7th. Then for my first day of work, I’m flying to North Carolina for a 2-day stint of “Employee Orientation”.

In somewhat related news, one of the senior programmers there (at Red Hat) emailed me the other day and asked me what kind of computer I wanted, so they’re going to buy me a laptop.

Alrighty…s’more pictures of me (click the thumbnails for full):