From the 16th to 19th November we’re planning a hackfest in Brno, Czech Republic. The venue is kindly being sponsored by Red Hat.
What we’re trying to achieve is to get all color-minded people in the same place at the same time, to try to join up some of the color management stack in Linux. We’ll be discussing toolkit color management, the print color pipeline using CUPS and printerd and application level color management. It’s being arranged by S.Kemter and Kai-Uwe Behrmann so if you want to be there, email one of them or jump into the #openicc channel on freenode. There’s some sponsorship available, but not a lot. It’s also going to be a hackfest, i.e. writing code rather than giving talks like “a dummies guide color management”. I’m pretty excited.
Here a link to the hackfest organisation wiki:
Please invite a few application developers too…
I fired off an email to the CREATE list about it. Most of the libre graphics people should follow it. Hopefully brings in some relevant application developers.
Anyhow, I signed up. I don’t know exactly what is up in November, but I hope to be there.