Another request to the community for AppData details

Do you use or maintain or use any of these application:

Evince, GNOME Calculator, gucharmap, GNOME Clocks, GNOME Dictionary, GNOME Documents, Empathy, Evolution, Nautilus, GNOME Font Viewer, Glade, DevHelp, Eye of GNOME, GNOME Screenshot, Sound Converter, GNOME System Monitor, GNOME Terminal, GNOME Tweak Tool, Totem, Epiphany, XChat, LibreOffice Calc, LibreOffice Draw, LibreOffice Base, LibreOffice Impress, or LibreOffice Writer.

If you can spare 10 minutes to write a three paragraph long description, and fill in the homepage URL I would be very grateful. GNOME Software will look all the more awesome for your contribution.

Just go to the shared document and fill in any details you know. Thanks!

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Richard has over 10 years of experience developing open source software. He is the maintainer of GNOME Software, PackageKit, GNOME Packagekit, GNOME Power Manager, GNOME Color Manager, colord, and UPower and also contributes to many other projects and opensource standards. Richard has three main areas of interest on the free desktop, color management, package management, and power management. Richard graduated a few years ago from the University of Surrey with a Masters in Electronics Engineering. He now works for Red Hat in the desktop group, and also manages a company selling open source calibration equipment. Richard's outside interests include taking photos and eating good food.

6 thoughts on “Another request to the community for AppData details”

    1. Ideally, this needs to be per-application, not per-package, and really belongs upstream. It might be good for getting some initial data, so I’ll check that out, thanks. Do you know if the data is available as an API (i.e. XML/JSON) rather than just from the website? Also, I don’t see a licence on the page, so if you know that it would be great, thanks.

      1. Sure it really belong upstreams, but when it lack on upstream side, it appears downstream contributed valuable content. (resp. ubuntu) parses the debian/control file from binary packages, but doesn’t provide in another format that html.
        debian/control file’s format is RFC822.

        packages website doesn’t list the license of the description, the per-file license is documented under debian/copyright of each separate package.

        Example for ‘mypaint’:

        Unfortunately, doesn’t provide a symbolink point pointing to the last version.
        We could make some changes happen to ease such tasks…

  1. GNOME Calculator
    If there already exists an .appdata.xml file upstream, please delete the markup below and post a link to the upstream location. Thanks!


    Calculator is an application that solves mathematical equations and is suitable as a default application in a Desktop environment. It is started via the graphical interface. If one clicks on the title bar, with right mouse button, we will encounter several options.

    minimize – Super+H to reduce the size of the calculator
    maximize – Super+up
    move – to another location on the screen
    Always on top – be always present on top of other displayed output
    Always visible – be visible on all workspaces
    Only this workpace – works in conjunction with Always on top>/b> to be on top in the current workspace, but not in others
    Move to workspace down
    Close – Exit the application>/li>

    There are actually four different calculators in the same program. These are:

    -This version should be very familiar as it provides a minimal number of functions such arithmetic, “squaring a number”, and obtaining the “square root” of a number.

    – This version extends the basic version by adding many more functions
    trignometric functions such as sin, cos, tan, cosh, sinh,and tanh, degrees, radians
    number to an arbitrary power, square root, Complex number support
    logarithm support in base € and base 10 .
    Modulo, Random Number generation, modulus
    Additonal functions such truncating a floating point number to the nearest integer, fractional component of a floating point number, rounding, floor, ceiling, sign(-1,0,+1)

    Financial – Currency conversion basic functions Rate, Sln Straight line depreciation, PV present value,Fv future value, declining depreciation, Term, log, and more

    Programming – arithmetic, logical (and,or,not, xor, complement,power,root,, bit representation, logarithms, factorize, factorial and more


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