I committed a small chunk of code to gnome-packagekit to automatically apply updates if the user has specified this in the preferences tool. If you ask PackageKit to remember the authorization across reboots for updating packages then this becomes a zero-click way of installing updates automatically.
No passwords, clicks, or keys. And the grammar sucks….
This only happens when the user is idle (using gnome-screensaver) and when the user is online (using NetworkManager) although other code can be compiled in for other stacks.
There are not many release blockers now, so please test and report any bugs to the mailing list. In other news, Adrien Bustany has started QPackageKit, with a C++ wrapper and QT client tools for PackageKit. So, good things.
No comment on the dialogue, but that “Updates are being automatically installed” line has a halo like the Angel Gabriel. Your fonts okay otherwise? – Chris