This last week sure was hectic. It started off with a trip to Halden, a nice little town close to the swedish border. I played a pool tournament there and came in fourth. Really happy about that, but I guess I’ll get less handicap next time around 😉 More practice and Micke won’t beat me at 6UADEC 🙂
We also went to a concert with a “local” band called WigWam. After reading their website I found out that they were originally from New York and emigrated to Norway in the seventies. They also entered the qualification for the european song contest to represent Norway, and I think we would have scored higher if they had won the local contest if this year’s winner is the standard…
After that I went right back to Oslo on sunday to pack my bags for GVADEC. Two quick telephone calls and I had tickets for the night train and hotel room outside Kristiansand.
I really liked GUADEC this year, but since I missed the pre-conference weekend stuff it felt like it was over almost before it started. I’ll try hard to make it to Boston in October to make up for that.
It’s not just food and beverages that are expensive in Norway it seems. Travelling from Kristiansand to Bergen robbed me of 400 NOK for the train to Stavanger, 900 NOK for a hotel there and then 600 NOK for the boat to Bergen…should have gotten a flight from Kristiansand it seems…
On the bright side, the boat trip gave me time to run valgrind against all of gnome-applets and I’ve got patches for quite a few leaks in there that are going into bugzilla this weekend. I’m thinking we need a new mailing list for stuff like running valgrind/memprof/sysprof and discussing how to improve stability/performance of GNOME as a whole, but I’m not sure we have the momentum to make them useful yet. Hopefully more people will want to join in on the fun 🙂