Time flies when you’re having fun I guess. Been busy lately and haven’t updated this little thing called blog. Getting back into the groove at work has been hard, but I guess I’ve gotten rid of most of the holidayish feeling by now. Just about to start upgrading our messaging solution for 15.000 users before we roll it out to the remaining 30k so it’s best to keep sharp I guess…
I’ve spent the last couple of weeks using valgrind and sparse on GNOME modules. This has resulted in a ton of reports in bugzilla and a load of leaks fixed. There’s still loads of stuff to test and file bugs against so get to work and get stuff fixed for GNOME 2.8.0 🙂
Looking forward to getting back on track with the pool training as well. Haven’t really played since before summer and I’m badly in need of practice now. The series start soon so I need to hone whatever skills I have to have hopes of getting anywhere this season. Keep your fingers crossed 🙂