s/Reveals/Reminds\ Everyone\ Yet\ Again\ That/g
If it was up the the government to protect your corporation’s data network, there would be no private sector netsec jobs. Duh.
the indian wind along the telegraph lines
kurt von finck's blog
s/Reveals/Reminds\ Everyone\ Yet\ Again\ That/g
s/Reveals/Reminds\ Everyone\ Yet\ Again\ That/g
If it was up the the government to protect your corporation’s data network, there would be no private sector netsec jobs. Duh.
Sure? But:
1) When did Sony become a US business?
2) Sony gets hacked every year or so anyway. After a certain point I can only assume this is a bit of a kink for them.
If it is a kink, the Playstation Network likes it rough, baby.